worth? Probably not!
At the beginning of this post select only that these figures are only estimates, were taken from various sources and have not been fully tested.
In a previous post I put an entire chapter of the Constitution tyczący office of President.
This is a big part. Upon further hearing with him and collect the actual words of the mass of the competence of President, we can say that it really is our head of state: first
is appointed to represent Polish interests on the international stage, to ensure compliance with the Constitution, and is responsible for the security of the state;
second elections to the Sejm and Senate, in special cases it may shorten their term of office;
third may order a national referendum on important state matters requiring the decision of all citizens;
4th has a direct opportunity to influence the legislative process through the right of veto against laws; Sejm may reject such a veto;
5th may, before signing a bill, ask the Constitutional Court to verify its compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland;
6th ratify and renounce international agreements, nominates and recalls ambassadors and the credentials of representatives other states;
7th decide on the granting of awards and orders. It also has the power of clemency; designate certain positions;
8th is the head of the Armed Forces, appoints the Chief of General Staff and commanders of all the troops in time of war shall be appointed by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and can order a general mobilization.
That's basically all. It really is not much, and that the responsibilities could do that in an average intelligent person. Especially if one has to support more than 400 people.
Keeping this one person and his staff of assistants and costs a fortune.
Cost per term (including the approximate cost of the election)
first direct cost of elections - 120 000 000 zł (the PMC)
second the cost of the election campaign - 20 000 000 zł - a very conservative estimate (in 2005, the costs incurred by Tusk and Kaczynski are submitted by their staffs Election amounted to approximately 16 000 000 zł. - for "On")
third maintenance cost of the presidential office - 189 zł 000 000 x 5 years = 945 000 000 zł (for "Gazeta Wyborcza")
4th remuneration of the President - 1 170 000 zł - for a 5-year term (the "Gazeta Wyborcza")
TOTAL: 1 086 170 000 zł.
annual budget of sports schools in Lodz is approximately 3 000 000 zł (Website schools and BIP) - a really great school.
in Lublin is approximately 47 primary schools. Their budget is of course different, but I assume it at the level of 3 million.
1 086 170 000 5 = 217 234 000 zł (annual cost of maintaining the president)
217 234 000 3 000 000 = 72 primary schools
The annual expenditure on maintaining the position of president can maintain the basic schools of Lublin and the surrounding area ...
presidential powers are so small that it easily could be divided between other state agencies.
And if you really need to maintain this position, it can to save the cost of actually limit it to only the role of figural and elections done by drawing lots among willing satisfying appropriate conditions rather high?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Rodney Moore Business Woman
him go to the polls ... that is, the hell this circus?
Article 126
first Polish president is the supreme representative of the Polish Republic and the guarantor of the continuity of government.
second President of the Republic shall ensure observance of the Constitution, safeguard the sovereignty and national security and the inviolability and integrity of its territory.
third The President shall exercise his duties within the scope and the principles defined in the Constitution and statutes.
Article 127
first President of the Republic is elected by the people in the general election,
equal, direct and secret vote.
second President of the Republic is elected for a five-year term and may be
re-elected only once.
third President of the Republic may be elected Polish citizen who, at the latest
on election ends 35 years old and enjoys full voting rights to the Sejm. Candidature shall be at least 100 000 citizens having the right to the Sejm.
4th President of the Republic shall be elected the candidate who obtains more than half of the valid votes cast. If no candidate obtains the required majority, the fourteenth day after the first ballot shall be conducted to re-vote.
5th In a repeat ballot shall be made among the two candidates who in the first ballot received the largest number of votes. If any of these two candidates withdraws his consent to candidacy, forfeits his right to vote or die, in its place in the repeat ballot by the candidate who received the highest number of votes in the first ballot. In this case the date of re-vote be postponed by a further 14 days.
6th President of the Republic shall be elected the candidate who voted to re
received more votes.
7th Policies and procedures for nominating candidates and conducting elections, and the conditions
validity of the election of the President of the Republic established by law.
Article 128
first The term of office of the President of the Republic shall commence on the date of his assuming office.
second Election of President of the Republic Marshal managed on a day
no earlier than 100 days and no later than 75 days before expiry of term of office of President of the Republic, in the event of vacancy in the office of the President of the Republic - no later than the fourteenth day thereafter, specifying the date of the election on a day off -working within 60 days of ordering the election.
Article 129
first The validity of the election of the President of the Republic Supreme Court.
second Voters have the right to report to the Supreme Court against the validity
election of the President of the Republic under the terms of the Act.
third In case of annulment of the election of the President of the Republic shall be a new election, under the conditions laid down in Article. Paragraph 128. 2 for a vacancy in the office of President of the Republic.
Article 130
President of the Republic shall assume office after the deposit of the National Assembly the following oath
: "Assuming the will of the Nation's office of the Polish President, solemnly swear to be faithful to the provisions of the Constitution, I would keep steadfast
Nation dignity, independence and security State, and the good of the Homeland and the prosperity of its citizens will forever remain my supreme obligation. "
oath may be taken with the additional sentence" So help me God ".
Article 131 If the first President of the Republic is temporarily unable to exercise authority, it shall notify the Speaker of the Sejm, who shall temporarily assume the duties of the President of the Republic. When the President of the Republic is unable to notify the Speaker of the non-potency of office, then a statement of the obstacles in the exercise of authority by the President of the Constitutional Court decides on the request of the Marshal Sejm. In the event of temporary inability to recognize the office by the President of the Constitutional Court Marshal of the Sejm temporarily performing the duties of the President of the Republic.
second Marshal temporarily, until a new President of the Republic,
perform the duties of President of the Republic if:
1) death of the President of the Republic,
2) resignation from office by the President of the Republic,
3) annulment of the election of the President or other reasons for not assuming office after the selection,
4) recognition by the National Assembly President's permanent incapacity To exercise his duties due to health, the affirmative vote of at least 2 / 3 majority of the statutory number of members of the National Assembly,
5) submission of the President of the Republic from office by decision of the Court of State.
third If the Marshal can not perform the duties of the President of the Republic,
these responsibilities by the Marshal of the Senate.
4th Who performs the duties of the President of the Republic shall not shorten
Article 132
President of the Republic shall hold no other offices nor discharge any public office, except those that are related to the duties of his office.
Article 133
first President of the Republic as a representative of the State in its external relations:
1) ratify and renounce international agreements, shall notify the Sejm and the Senate,
2) appoint and dismiss plenipotentiary representatives of the Polish Republic in other countries and international organizations,
3) receive the credentials and referring accredited to him
diplomatic representatives of other countries and international organizations.
second President of the Republic, before ratifying an international agreement may refer to the Constitutional Court a request on its compatibility with the Constitution.
third President of the Republic in the foreign policy interacts with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers
and the appropriate minister.
Article 134
first President of the Republic is the supreme head of the Armed Forces
Polish Republic.
second In times of peace, President of the Republic shall exercise authority over the Armed Forces
through the Minister of National Defence.
third President of the Republic shall appoint the Chief of General Staff and commanders of the Armed Forces
term. The term of office, terms and conditions prior to cancellation within specified by statute.
4th At the time of war, the President of the Republic, at the request of the Prime Minister,
appoint Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The same procedure may Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of appeal. Powers of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the principle of subordination to the constitutional authorities of the Polish Republic established by law.
5th President of the Republic, at the request of the Minister of National Defence, as specified by statute confers military ranks.
6th Powers of the President of the Republic, regarding the sovereignty over the Armed Forces, specifically determined by law.
Article 135
advisory organ to the President Republic regarding internal and external state security
the National Security Council.
Article 136
In case of a direct external threat to the State President of the Republic,
at the request of the Prime Minister, order a general or partial mobilization
and use of the Armed Forces to defend the Polish Republic.
Article 137
President of the Republic shall grant Polish citizenship and agrees to surrender
Polish citizenship.
Article 138
President of the Republic shall confer orders and decorations. Art
President of the Republic shall have the power of grace. The power of pardon does not apply to persons convicted by the Tribunal
Article 140
President of the Republic may deliver a Message to the Sejm, the Senate or
to the National Assembly. Messages are not a subject of debate.
Article 141
first In particular matters, President of the Republic may convene the Cabinet Council
. The Cabinet Council created the Council of Ministers chaired by President of the Republic
second The Cabinet Council lacks the competence of the Council of Ministers.
Article 142
first President of the Republic shall issue regulations and orders under the terms of Article. 92 and. 93.
second President of the Republic shall issue decisions to implement the remaining
its competence.
Article 143
auxiliary organ of the President of the Office of the President of the Republic
. President of the Republic Office of the statute and appoint and dismiss
Head of the Presidential Chancellery.
Article 144
first President of the Republic, exercising his constitutional and statutory
competence, shall issue Official Acts.
second Official Acts of the President shall require for their validity, the signature of the Prime Minister who, by signature, accepts responsibility before the Parliament.
third Provision of par. 2 does not apply to:
1) elections to the Sejm and the Senate,
2) convening the first meeting of newly elected Sejm and Senate,
3) shortening the term of the Parliament in cases stipulated in the Constitution,
4) legislative initiative
5) management of a nationwide referendum ,
6) signing or refusing to sign a bill
7) ordering the promulgation of laws and international agreements in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Polish,
8) delivering a Message to the Sejm, the Senate or National Assembly,
9) application to the Constitutional Court
10) the request for verification by the Supreme Board of Control,
11) nominating and appointing the Prime Minister,
12) accepting resignation of the Council of Ministers and its provisional
perform duties
13) requesting the Sejm to bring before the Tribunal of State member of the Council of Ministers,
14) dismissing a minister in whom the Sejm has passed a vote of censure,
15) convening the Cabinet Council,
16) conferring orders and decorations,
17) the appointment of judges,
18) applying the law of grace,
19) granting Polish citizenship and giving consent for renunciation of Polish citizenship
20) appointing the First President of the Supreme Court,
21) appointing the President and Vice President of the Constitutional Court,
22) appointing the President of the Supreme Administrative Court,
23) appointing the presidents and vice presidents of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Administrative Court,
24) requesting the Sejm to appoint the President Polish National Bank
25) appointing members of the Monetary Policy Council,
26) appointing and dismissing members of the National Security Council,
27) appointing members of the National Broadcasting Council,
28) the statute of the Office President of the Republic and
appointing or dismissing the Chief of the Presidential Chancellery,
29) issuing orders under the terms of Article. 93,
30) resigning from the office of the President of the Republic.
Article 145
first President of the Republic for breach of the Constitution, laws, or for committing a crime
can be held accountable before the Tribunal of State.
second Putting the President of the indictment may be
National Assembly resolution, passed by a majority of at least 2 / 3 vote of the statutory number of members
National Assembly at the request of at least 140 members of the National Assembly.
third On passing a resolution to send the President of the Republic
state prosecution before the State Tribunal to hold office by the President of the Republic
be suspended. The provision of Article. 131 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 126
first Polish president is the supreme representative of the Polish Republic and the guarantor of the continuity of government.
second President of the Republic shall ensure observance of the Constitution, safeguard the sovereignty and national security and the inviolability and integrity of its territory.
third The President shall exercise his duties within the scope and the principles defined in the Constitution and statutes.
Article 127
first President of the Republic is elected by the people in the general election,
equal, direct and secret vote.
second President of the Republic is elected for a five-year term and may be
re-elected only once.
third President of the Republic may be elected Polish citizen who, at the latest
on election ends 35 years old and enjoys full voting rights to the Sejm. Candidature shall be at least 100 000 citizens having the right to the Sejm.
4th President of the Republic shall be elected the candidate who obtains more than half of the valid votes cast. If no candidate obtains the required majority, the fourteenth day after the first ballot shall be conducted to re-vote.
5th In a repeat ballot shall be made among the two candidates who in the first ballot received the largest number of votes. If any of these two candidates withdraws his consent to candidacy, forfeits his right to vote or die, in its place in the repeat ballot by the candidate who received the highest number of votes in the first ballot. In this case the date of re-vote be postponed by a further 14 days.
6th President of the Republic shall be elected the candidate who voted to re
received more votes.
7th Policies and procedures for nominating candidates and conducting elections, and the conditions
validity of the election of the President of the Republic established by law.
Article 128
first The term of office of the President of the Republic shall commence on the date of his assuming office.
second Election of President of the Republic Marshal managed on a day
no earlier than 100 days and no later than 75 days before expiry of term of office of President of the Republic, in the event of vacancy in the office of the President of the Republic - no later than the fourteenth day thereafter, specifying the date of the election on a day off -working within 60 days of ordering the election.
Article 129
first The validity of the election of the President of the Republic Supreme Court.
second Voters have the right to report to the Supreme Court against the validity
election of the President of the Republic under the terms of the Act.
third In case of annulment of the election of the President of the Republic shall be a new election, under the conditions laid down in Article. Paragraph 128. 2 for a vacancy in the office of President of the Republic.
Article 130
President of the Republic shall assume office after the deposit of the National Assembly the following oath
: "Assuming the will of the Nation's office of the Polish President, solemnly swear to be faithful to the provisions of the Constitution, I would keep steadfast
Nation dignity, independence and security State, and the good of the Homeland and the prosperity of its citizens will forever remain my supreme obligation. "
oath may be taken with the additional sentence" So help me God ".
Article 131 If the first President of the Republic is temporarily unable to exercise authority, it shall notify the Speaker of the Sejm, who shall temporarily assume the duties of the President of the Republic. When the President of the Republic is unable to notify the Speaker of the non-potency of office, then a statement of the obstacles in the exercise of authority by the President of the Constitutional Court decides on the request of the Marshal Sejm. In the event of temporary inability to recognize the office by the President of the Constitutional Court Marshal of the Sejm temporarily performing the duties of the President of the Republic.
second Marshal temporarily, until a new President of the Republic,
perform the duties of President of the Republic if:
1) death of the President of the Republic,
2) resignation from office by the President of the Republic,
3) annulment of the election of the President or other reasons for not assuming office after the selection,
4) recognition by the National Assembly President's permanent incapacity To exercise his duties due to health, the affirmative vote of at least 2 / 3 majority of the statutory number of members of the National Assembly,
5) submission of the President of the Republic from office by decision of the Court of State.
third If the Marshal can not perform the duties of the President of the Republic,
these responsibilities by the Marshal of the Senate.
4th Who performs the duties of the President of the Republic shall not shorten
Article 132
President of the Republic shall hold no other offices nor discharge any public office, except those that are related to the duties of his office.
Article 133
first President of the Republic as a representative of the State in its external relations:
1) ratify and renounce international agreements, shall notify the Sejm and the Senate,
2) appoint and dismiss plenipotentiary representatives of the Polish Republic in other countries and international organizations,
3) receive the credentials and referring accredited to him
diplomatic representatives of other countries and international organizations.
second President of the Republic, before ratifying an international agreement may refer to the Constitutional Court a request on its compatibility with the Constitution.
third President of the Republic in the foreign policy interacts with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers
and the appropriate minister.
Article 134
first President of the Republic is the supreme head of the Armed Forces
Polish Republic.
second In times of peace, President of the Republic shall exercise authority over the Armed Forces
through the Minister of National Defence.
third President of the Republic shall appoint the Chief of General Staff and commanders of the Armed Forces
term. The term of office, terms and conditions prior to cancellation within specified by statute.
4th At the time of war, the President of the Republic, at the request of the Prime Minister,
appoint Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The same procedure may Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of appeal. Powers of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the principle of subordination to the constitutional authorities of the Polish Republic established by law.
5th President of the Republic, at the request of the Minister of National Defence, as specified by statute confers military ranks.
6th Powers of the President of the Republic, regarding the sovereignty over the Armed Forces, specifically determined by law.
Article 135
advisory organ to the President Republic regarding internal and external state security
the National Security Council.
Article 136
In case of a direct external threat to the State President of the Republic,
at the request of the Prime Minister, order a general or partial mobilization
and use of the Armed Forces to defend the Polish Republic.
Article 137
President of the Republic shall grant Polish citizenship and agrees to surrender
Polish citizenship.
Article 138
President of the Republic shall confer orders and decorations. Art
President of the Republic shall have the power of grace. The power of pardon does not apply to persons convicted by the Tribunal
Article 140
President of the Republic may deliver a Message to the Sejm, the Senate or
to the National Assembly. Messages are not a subject of debate.
Article 141
first In particular matters, President of the Republic may convene the Cabinet Council
. The Cabinet Council created the Council of Ministers chaired by President of the Republic
second The Cabinet Council lacks the competence of the Council of Ministers.
Article 142
first President of the Republic shall issue regulations and orders under the terms of Article. 92 and. 93.
second President of the Republic shall issue decisions to implement the remaining
its competence.
Article 143
auxiliary organ of the President of the Office of the President of the Republic
. President of the Republic Office of the statute and appoint and dismiss
Head of the Presidential Chancellery.
Article 144
first President of the Republic, exercising his constitutional and statutory
competence, shall issue Official Acts.
second Official Acts of the President shall require for their validity, the signature of the Prime Minister who, by signature, accepts responsibility before the Parliament.
third Provision of par. 2 does not apply to:
1) elections to the Sejm and the Senate,
2) convening the first meeting of newly elected Sejm and Senate,
3) shortening the term of the Parliament in cases stipulated in the Constitution,
4) legislative initiative
5) management of a nationwide referendum ,
6) signing or refusing to sign a bill
7) ordering the promulgation of laws and international agreements in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Polish,
8) delivering a Message to the Sejm, the Senate or National Assembly,
9) application to the Constitutional Court
10) the request for verification by the Supreme Board of Control,
11) nominating and appointing the Prime Minister,
12) accepting resignation of the Council of Ministers and its provisional
perform duties
13) requesting the Sejm to bring before the Tribunal of State member of the Council of Ministers,
14) dismissing a minister in whom the Sejm has passed a vote of censure,
15) convening the Cabinet Council,
16) conferring orders and decorations,
17) the appointment of judges,
18) applying the law of grace,
19) granting Polish citizenship and giving consent for renunciation of Polish citizenship
20) appointing the First President of the Supreme Court,
21) appointing the President and Vice President of the Constitutional Court,
22) appointing the President of the Supreme Administrative Court,
23) appointing the presidents and vice presidents of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Administrative Court,
24) requesting the Sejm to appoint the President Polish National Bank
25) appointing members of the Monetary Policy Council,
26) appointing and dismissing members of the National Security Council,
27) appointing members of the National Broadcasting Council,
28) the statute of the Office President of the Republic and
appointing or dismissing the Chief of the Presidential Chancellery,
29) issuing orders under the terms of Article. 93,
30) resigning from the office of the President of the Republic.
Article 145
first President of the Republic for breach of the Constitution, laws, or for committing a crime
can be held accountable before the Tribunal of State.
second Putting the President of the indictment may be
National Assembly resolution, passed by a majority of at least 2 / 3 vote of the statutory number of members
National Assembly at the request of at least 140 members of the National Assembly.
third On passing a resolution to send the President of the Republic
state prosecution before the State Tribunal to hold office by the President of the Republic
be suspended. The provision of Article. 131 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
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