Flying from the trees last letter,
Winds howl above the ground,
Hey, easy atheist
In our lives, especially in autumn!
Sam must overcome concerns,
quarrel with his wife and rebiatą,
A believer Rosołowski
guardian angel has it ...
are coming holidays and the Christmas tree
Where to get money for the party?
same for her son has to buy in a gift .
must look so cheap, and humor combine
A in Rosołowskich angel
Targa and parcels in the back!
He sets a beautiful tree,
he regards as wafers,
Then with a traditional song
occurs. God is born,
Rosołowscy on Christmas Eve,
angelic singing from the window of a liquid,
... their families
atheist talks about Darwin.
There is singing in his house,
So atheist thinks
- We, frankly, who are needed
atheists? But despite
plight, The doubts and
subsection does not recur, because the will
Push in life without favoritism.
... for when life is passed, will be awarded
Because after all, somewhere ought to be tired of atheists
Andrew Waligórski