Sacher Cake (Austria)
Maybe at the beginning a little history. It was year 1832. Prince Metternich ordered to prepare for your guests something special dessert for a truly heavenly taste. Confectioners feared the wrath of the hot-tempered politician and none of them wanted to take a difficult task. Almost none. Cake baked apprentice Franz Sacher sixteen. Franz Sacher was a junior chef at the court of Prince Metternich. In a hurry (when the prince came to a sudden craving for something sweet), with ingredients that have just at hand, developed a recipe that secured a prominent place on the culinary Parnassus. Baked a delicious chocolate cake, and lack of time to decorate it just poured chocolate. Princely pastry with the time made a fortune. Thanks to built two hotels, including one in Vienna in Philharmonikerstrasse, which today is one of the most important points on the tourist map of Vienna. The cafe should be tempted by a piece of cake Sacher, of course, the local cup of coffee. Chocolate, which for centuries was considered an aphrodisiac, in the case of Sacher cake was quite the opposite effect - has provoked a quarrel, which the world has ever seen.
two companies fought for the rights of Vienna's most famous baking. Talented cake baker has not been patented, and what is worse, the grandson of the famous confectioner after World War II sold the rights to the pie pastry, "Demel", a company with traditions and way of a supplier to the imperial court. Demel Sacher cake bake began claiming that only their product is genuine. When Sacher rose back financially, he declared war on Demel'a patisserie, a war that lasted 25 years. As a result, disagreements, arguments and legal process it produces both Viennese company - hotel "Sacher" and "Demel. Sacher has a right to the name Original Sachertorte and Demel - Echte (ie true) Sachertorte. Currently, Sacher cake bakes about 360 thousand. cakes annually. All cakes are prepared by hand and under the special supervision of the pastry. Sacher employs 57 masters of the craft. One third of the cake goes to the hotel's pastry shop, one-third is exported in special wooden boxes for all countries in the world, and the rest can be consumed in a number of Viennese cafes. The original recipe is, of course, guarded by both companies as gold in Fort Knox, so all the rules are only more or less similar to the ideal. "Sacheropodobne" cakes can be enjoyed everywhere, not only in Vienna, but it is worth to compare with the original (in the Hotel Sacher) ... or true (with confectioner Demel). However, it is the easiest way to do it at home. It is important that the dough contains two basic ingredients: apricot jam and dark chocolate. Below odkrawamy hem of this sweet mystery ...
150 g dark chocolate
150 g soft butter
100 g icing sugar
6 egg yolks 6
flour pinch of salt
good quality apricot jam
200 g of good, dark chocolate
200 g sugar
100 ml of water
chocolate dissolve in water and butter until light and fluffy. Gradually add powdered sugar and egg yolks. Proteins whip with 50 g of sugar too stiff. Add flour, a pinch of salt and mix with the chocolate mass. Cake stand with a diameter of 24 cm smear with butter, sprinkle lightly with flour, put her cake and bake for 50-60 minutes in preheated to 180 ° C oven. Cake out of the oven leave to cool, then remove it from the mold. Heat the apricot jam and brush her cake. Set aside in a cool place for several hours. In the water bath, dissolve the chocolate and mash together with the sugar. Add water and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until sauce begins to thicken. Spread the icing quickly and evenly throughout the cake. Serve with unsweetened whipped cream and one of the types of Viennese coffee.
Source: http://www.foody.pl/
Page interetowa cake: http://www.sacher.com/
Page interetowa cake: http://www.sacher.com/
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