decided that on my blog in addition to the provisions of delicious I'd also written about the ingredients of which it is composed, among other things, fruit, herbs and supplements with the package. I make them for you to test and evaluate. In addition, I will he published, and culinary tips to help you life. I hope that my information I will be useful to someone.
And so at the beginning of one of my favorite spices, without which there can arise no my apple pie, or cinnamon. For a better understanding of this wonderful spice, you may want to go back to the history of her appearance at the European table. Searching the Internet to present what I could find on it.
Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices. It was mentioned already in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt not only as a beverage flavoring and medicine, but also for embalming. At this time, cinnamon has been used in China too, which is reflected in one of the first books on Chinese medicine, from about 2700 BC
Cinnamon has become one of the most popular spices in medieval Europe. He was one of the first goods in trade between the Middle East and Europe. Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil and the Caribbean, and cassia (cinnamon variety) is mainly produced in China, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Cinnamon is commonly used as a condiment. It is used in the preparation of chocolate, especially in Mexico. It is also used in the preparation of certain types of desserts such as apple pie, donuts and cinnamon buns, but also for tea, hot cocoa and liqueurs. In the Middle East, is often used in savory dishes of chicken and lamb .. Cinnamon can also be used in the digestive troubles. Cinnamon is one of the few spices that can be consumed directly. Cinnamon powder has long been an important spice in Persian cuisine, used in different thicknesses for soups, beverages, sweets and even popular curry.
Its taste is the result of the conclusion of the aromatic oil, which constitutes 0.5% to 1% of its composition. It also has application in medicine, was a remedy for colds. It was also found its application in the treatment of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. Cinnamon oil also has antibacterial properties and the ability to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi, including Candida. Antibacterial properties of cinnamon are so effective that recent research indicates that it can be used as an alternative to traditional food preservatives. Cinnamon can be used as an insect repellent.
One teaspoon of cinnamon contains the same amount of antioxidants as a cup full of juice, pomegranate and 1 / 2 cup blueberries. Cinnamon is an excellent source of trace minerals manganese and a very good source of fiber, iron and calcium.
may know next time when we look at the spice it will be more appreciated.
treatment cinnamon Photos: www.bbc.pl
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