Friday, April 30, 2010

Calories In Chicken Chow Mein Small

O anarchy - yes. And it may have been?

day a little differently, without definition, without reference to the literature and authorities. Very seriously. Because it is a very serious topic.
called out to an array (here) states bluntly - ANARCHY IS THE BEST MAN invented by the constitution. I will not go into the different types, subtypes, categories, etc. I understand the anarchic regime put - literally from the Greek - "without authority." For me, this system anarchy in which everyone is equal, free, united. Means of production are common, the authority, as such, does not exist. There is also the state (along with its institutions of coercion).
Beautiful. Perfect.
And because this is a perfect system, is a utopian political system. And here, in principle, could end the discussions about the anarchy. But let us go further.
first There was something perfect, it must be constructed with ideal components. Consent? Society (all societies) is created by people. For society was perfect, it must be constructed of ideal citizens (the ideal of human beings). People are not perfect and probably never will be. They are not perfect, are not even equal. Some are smarter, some dumber. Some weak and niezaradni, some enterprising and intelligent. Some contend that the public something new, while others only consume. Some have a high awareness, others are interested in only his navel. Some people are just aspołeczni. Moving forward - some are healthy, others are sick. There are also those who, because of his illness are for the public dangerous. And yet we do not want such individuals were at liberty. Who will decide whether they should be treated under compulsion?
second The assumption - the coercive apparatus anarchist society should not exist. How to imagine life without the police? Somehow (maybe because of the narrowness of the mind) I can not imagine sinless humanity. I guess that biologically modified. Of course, modified voluntarily. But such a modification done voluntarily? Because in the name of the sinless life and free you will not need to force anyone to change, right? And if we consider that the police apparatus is needed, then we have a derogation from the standard.
third What to do with individuals aspołecznymi, individualists who want to "have something else, more, less, do not want to work for the common good in a common state farms, collective farms, sowchozach, co-operatives? They prefer to live on the margins of society, or permanently outside of Germany? What about artists? Also to form the "common good"? How much? 12 images of large or 24 small? 2 novels, 24 poems? Compulsion to work preclude individual freedom. Who has set the standard? Based on what? Freedom under duress?
Is Free anarchist society there will be individuals who will want to voluntarily do the same and work "dirty"?
4th Until you become jednakodobrąijednakoświadomąmasą someone must enter the urawniłowkę. In the name of higher goals - the moment all the mouth? We've been through this before. Did not work out. Orwell and a few others still warns ...
Can a global revolution? Such a "Fear is our last ... when our union brothers on ... hypocrisy extortioners governments kata, the challenges in rzucim cry?" But who tells us, that what we are in paradise?
To enter the system? At the same time all over the world. Otherwise, in my opinion you can not. And it is probably impossible. Because as the state has to exist (?) - After all, we reject the State - that without an army and its commanders resisting its neighbors? Is it at all possible co-existence of "states" anarchist and political systems of other countries? In my opinion, no. And what with the confessional? What denominational societies?
5th I think that if anarchism was achievable model for humanity, we would be at this level (As a reminder - as humanity has already passed it once.)
Human progress is the progress made thanks to an outstanding, thoughtful individuals differently, stemming the tide, contrary thinking. Not by jednakowytłumjednakowomyślącychludzi. Zbigniew Herbert


paradise In paradise working week is thirty hours
salaries are higher prices continually zniżkują
Physical work does not matches (due to less attractive)
chopping wood is the same as typing
Social system is stable and governments are really intelligent
in paradise is better than any country

At the beginning it were otherwise-
luminous circles choirs and degrees of abstraction
But I could not be separated exactly
body from the soul and come here with a drop of flare fat
muscles had to learn the lessons
Grain Mix absolute with a grain of clay
Another exception to the doctrine of the last exception
Only John had predicted: the resurrection of the body

see God is only for those with pure pneumy
rest hears messages about miracles and potopach
With time, all God will be watching
When that happens, nobody knows

For now, on Saturday at noon
roaring sirens sweetly
I come out of heaven from factories under the armpit
proletarians carry their clumsy wings like a violin

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Halfords Advanced Carnuba Review

For some Poles ...

- See, Pilsudski, the us from heaven! -
Pole once chanted. I looked at him
and the vomit.

For My Beloved poet

Friday, April 9, 2010

Denise Milani Before Enhancement

WORD I said, Kobyłka U FENCE

1.Otworzona and unread book to mid-smelling GW
2.Dzisiejsza print (as I like the smell)
3.Aukcje Allegro - stimulants the need for further education ...
4.Konieczność be - a permanent necessity, realizes that every time I do not want to do something. At the end of the trip as soon as there gaps in the memory ...
5.Trochę my head hurts and even throat or ...

Everything suddenly becomes more important, enjoyable. But nothing that you need to go after the mare, the word has been said.
only question is whether, after putting Kobylka we go further in the writing of this blog? If so, which way? The moment the objective of the creation of this blog will be achieved. We must just wait. Amendment of Article. 256 Criminal Code is no longer a matter of time, even a few scuffles. This change will result in wywalenia list of swastikas, etc. with online auctions, Mein Kampf, and will not appear on the shelves of bookstores. And yet it was lying at the basis of the creation of my blog. Of course, in the so-called
. Meanwhile, touched upon other issues, but they are very good blogs and portals. Is my blog brings something new?
political blog my blog would not be (unless you have ever written where I engage in politics), a popular-science and not (lack of depth, systematic knowledge of any interesting field). For public pouring bile definitely not suited. Hobby - you laugh.
I could of course go the path of least resistance and go with a few posts on the Polish - German relations. Steinbach visits Rumia - after all, begs to announce on the blog, that'll treat six kick eggs and prizes for anyone who hits it over the egg belt. Bah, I could even go further and found a weekly package for someone who will free us forever from the picture that prosiakowatej blondes. But it would be no incitement to crime. That is why I am such a prize'll treat!
Actually, every week you would skrobnąć something about Russia, Lithuania, EU, etc. On the subject of our so-called. politicians can write endlessly 3 times a day. But what for? I do not feel the need for entrainment in the crowds, the public articulation of thought rather not.

becoming increasingly fashionable puentowanie joke. Others advocate the worse, so here I have nothing to fear. And that, with a beard? I, too, with a beard ...

the entrance exam to the right is an interview. It seems pretty young girl. Examiner - a man slightly longer in years - asks:
- Who is the chairman of the NBP?
- I do not know - is responsible girl.
- Who is the minister of finance?
- I do not know - corresponds to the mixed girl.
- Who is the president of the Republic!? - Examiner asks surprised.
- I do not know - is responsible girl.
- Where are you baby you come?
- Psiewów from the village in the Bieszczady Mountains.
examiner removed his glasses, looked more closely at the girl, walked to the window and whispered to each other ...
- Able to throw it all in hell and fuck in the Bieszczady?

PS. Welcome to the „Zmyślenia” – tam ciekawiej :-)