Friday, April 9, 2010

Denise Milani Before Enhancement

WORD I said, Kobyłka U FENCE

1.Otworzona and unread book to mid-smelling GW
2.Dzisiejsza print (as I like the smell)
3.Aukcje Allegro - stimulants the need for further education ...
4.Konieczność be - a permanent necessity, realizes that every time I do not want to do something. At the end of the trip as soon as there gaps in the memory ...
5.Trochę my head hurts and even throat or ...

Everything suddenly becomes more important, enjoyable. But nothing that you need to go after the mare, the word has been said.
only question is whether, after putting Kobylka we go further in the writing of this blog? If so, which way? The moment the objective of the creation of this blog will be achieved. We must just wait. Amendment of Article. 256 Criminal Code is no longer a matter of time, even a few scuffles. This change will result in wywalenia list of swastikas, etc. with online auctions, Mein Kampf, and will not appear on the shelves of bookstores. And yet it was lying at the basis of the creation of my blog. Of course, in the so-called
. Meanwhile, touched upon other issues, but they are very good blogs and portals. Is my blog brings something new?
political blog my blog would not be (unless you have ever written where I engage in politics), a popular-science and not (lack of depth, systematic knowledge of any interesting field). For public pouring bile definitely not suited. Hobby - you laugh.
I could of course go the path of least resistance and go with a few posts on the Polish - German relations. Steinbach visits Rumia - after all, begs to announce on the blog, that'll treat six kick eggs and prizes for anyone who hits it over the egg belt. Bah, I could even go further and found a weekly package for someone who will free us forever from the picture that prosiakowatej blondes. But it would be no incitement to crime. That is why I am such a prize'll treat!
Actually, every week you would skrobnąć something about Russia, Lithuania, EU, etc. On the subject of our so-called. politicians can write endlessly 3 times a day. But what for? I do not feel the need for entrainment in the crowds, the public articulation of thought rather not.

becoming increasingly fashionable puentowanie joke. Others advocate the worse, so here I have nothing to fear. And that, with a beard? I, too, with a beard ...

the entrance exam to the right is an interview. It seems pretty young girl. Examiner - a man slightly longer in years - asks:
- Who is the chairman of the NBP?
- I do not know - is responsible girl.
- Who is the minister of finance?
- I do not know - corresponds to the mixed girl.
- Who is the president of the Republic!? - Examiner asks surprised.
- I do not know - is responsible girl.
- Where are you baby you come?
- Psiewów from the village in the Bieszczady Mountains.
examiner removed his glasses, looked more closely at the girl, walked to the window and whispered to each other ...
- Able to throw it all in hell and fuck in the Bieszczady?

PS. Welcome to the „Zmyślenia” – tam ciekawiej :-)


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