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Mr. Piestrak of Dhaulagiri (photo from the archives of the director) |
why you wanted to create a movie? What generally is the art of film for you?
answer may be to the reader a little disappointing, but it is true. As a child I was kinomaniakiem. In the house where I lived, in Gdynia, also resided cinema manager "Wave" on Grabówku. And was he, Mr. Czerniejewski, let me in on all the movies that I wanted to see. Even those allowed to under 14 for which a ten-year no usher in a cinema would not let me. It was then that I wanted to be a film director.
What was your biggest film influences? Which authors and titles that had the greatest influence on your work?
Here I must return to the previous question. Just then, during the first fascination with film, I saw such films as The Invisible Detective , I Married a Witch , Gilda , City or injustice Korsarzy midnight. All these films, so different, surely had an impact on my imagination. But a few years later, in high school, I went through a major school Discussion Film Club. There I could see all the horror classics, mainly from the German 20s I also got to Dracula movies, the French Red tavern, Tomb of Ligeia , a Raven, and finally the first sci-fi movie I have ever seen, or English Revenge of the cosmos. I think that these films - seen in an age when personality is as future director - decided on what movies I'd realized.
all you films are adaptations of literature. Does the book have been just as important inspiration, as cinema? What are your relationship to the prose of Poe or HP Lovecraft?
Throughout his life, I read a lot. Edgar Allan Poe I learned very early on, but Lovecraft was unavailable for many years. His first story, which printed the weekly "Cross", appeared probably in the 70s the last century. Fascinated me so much that he devoted much effort to bring the two collections of his stories from USA. To this day I look to them.
Why so much quality do you like movies? Do you personally puts them higher than the so-called. serious cinema?
You know ... difficult question. I really like the genre and cinema as we know, is this video trying to spin. But do not put them up. Ambitious film asks the viewer serious questions, trying to explain the world to present social problems or to interpret history. A movie that's quality entertainment. Undoubtedly needed and liked, watched around the world and even winning Oscars. But critics in Europe and part of the audience, mostly the educated and the student, the more valued it, as you described, serious cinema.
At the time, was Mr. sensation as it reached out for the species, when the dominant Cinema of Moral Anxiety. But do not you ever pulled in the direction of this movie? What are your relationship to him?
I am in a sense, even co-created cinema of moral anxiety. I was a second in his debut film director Krzysztof Kieslowski scar, and also collaborated with Antoni Krauze at his famous finish. As a young director, I tried various scenarios of interest to policy makers, but it so happened that were directed to the production of my suggestions was the cinema of quality. Cinema of Moral Anxiety highly respected and still think that contributed lot of new things. This was an invigorating race against the background of contemporary Polish film.
Do you know what was the ratio of the creators of this movie to you? They put you on par with each other or may be exalted because of the more playful nature of your images?
In most of whom were my colleagues and friends from the School of Film. With some co-operated. Never on their part did not feel that I deal with some kind of worse movies than they do.
How do you feel among other creators of Polish cinema fantasy, such as Peter Szulkin, or Jacek Andrzej Zulawski Koprowicz?
I value their films. Very different from each other, but each was a master of a kind creations. It seems to me that is closest to me Medium Koprowicz. Apparently
Koprowiczowi Kieslowski once said that Poland can not be done in Hollywood. What do you think so?
do not know this expression.
What do you like your movie the most and why?
test pilot and Pirx investigation. In the production Test ... had conditions most resembling professional sci-fi movies. The operator Janusz Pawlowski przecieraliśmy brand new trails. Anyway, the film won the Grand Prix "Golden Asteroid" in the most prestigious cinema festival in the sci-fi Trieste. American review of the industry magazine "Variety" was the best I've ever had.
And who the least and why?
Tear Prince of Darkness. I shot her in Tallinn, when the Soviet Union falling apart, so production was halted due to financial reasons. Photos tricks he had us do the Department of Special Photo Lenfilm in Leningrad, but did not perform not a single shot, which could be used in the assembly. As I learned afterwards, a very valuable when the tape was diverted Eastman. Due to financial reasons we had to abandon a well-known Polish composer, who has already started working on music for the film.
first motion picture of the Lord refer enormous commercial successes. Is there much you earn them? As it seems you why your final movies are not related have success?
earned as much as was paid a director with a particular professional category. Executive producer team Film, but the profits from distribution and exports went to the institutions responsible for this state, and ultimately - to the state budget. There were also royalties for the director depending on the number of viewers in the theaters. The first decent money earned on wolf. But remember that it was beginning to inflation, which, unfortunately, engulfed a large part of royalties received. My last film
former Totally Breakfast , addressed to the fantastic children's story about a small witch. I think the movie was very poorly distributed and almost never niereklamowany. Therefore, there was a large audience.
From what I read, until 1980, did you shoot a lot of documentaries that were often rewarded in subsequent festivals. Now, however, hard to find any information about them. What topics you move them? What was the reason to depart from the documentary cinema?
Documentaries mostly hang around for 2 TVP Studios, directed by Mariusz Walter. These were videos of the situations faced by the man in extreme conditions - broadly defined work or sport. One of the themes of these films was the work of fishermen on the Atlantic deep-sea fisheries. One realized then images world champion , received the prestigious FIPRESCI Film Festival Oberhausen. Several major awards at international festivals have won it my films made during the Polish-American expedition to the Himalayas, on the 7th Dhaulagiri summit of the world. I made a video Auto Cross of Poland's first international competition cars on the track crossover. I never really went away on a permanent basis from the cinema documentary. Many years later made his pro , a film about Leon Niemczykowi and elevation of the famous Polish Joczu sculptor, living and creating in Paris.
What made the zekranizowania Investigations and Hearings Stanislaw Lem? Are you planning to move yet another of his works to the screen?
investigation fascinated me at the first reading. Such a book was not previously in Polish literature. It was a real, contemporary horror. It was obvious to me that I need to adapt it to the screen. So I went to Krakow, the Stanislaw Lem. I persuaded him to agree to, I wrote the script and directed the film by this novel. After the screening Lem was very pleased. He believed that faithfully handed on the screen of his novel. It was then suggested that I should try to write the script of Pirx the Pilot.
Apparently a very long wait for the Lord of the scenery and sets for Pirx Test pilot, because their creators further proposals rejected you as shoddy. Were you satisfied with the final results of their work?
That's true. The decoration of the spacecraft were built in Kiev. The first projects of the Ukrainian production designer wprawiły me in a state of depression. Were unacceptable. My operator compared them to the interior of the Orthodox church. Then with the help of my Estonian friends came to Tallinn Film. Production manager Karl Levolle rapidly zz contacted me very well-known designer of industrial forms, the Lord Peekiem. I flew to Tallinn, and very quickly found a common language. Soon built an excellent interior design of the spacecraft, which until now has not grown old with.
What made you to shoot a wolf Return? Do you think that it is better than the famous image of the first part? Since
she-wolf was a huge success in Poland (2,000,000 viewers), and also became a hit in Czechoslovakia and the screen was displayed successfully in many countries, I thought it worthwhile to shoot a continuation. However, there were difficulties with writing the screenplay. After many attempts and different versions, of which I was not completely happy, was at the end of Return of the wolf scenario . Despite great reviews, such as the weekly "Film", I believe that Wolf is a better film. Although many critics, such as Bulgaria, Georgia and Ukraine, considers Back wolf as an excellent example of the so-called. artistic horror. International Film Festival in Odessa, the film was nominated for the Grand Prix.
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time images to Curse ... , Vietnam (photo from the archives of the director) |
Curse of the Snake Valley many things did not work out, maybe even everything. But paradoxically fulfills its role as an extraordinary entertainment. In my opinion, this is a curious, amused and intrigued by that, precisely because there are so many things went wrong. Is there anyway back obstacles encountered during the implementation of the Lord, you were happy with the final effect of work? Are you surprised by such a big commercial success of the film?
commercial success Curse not surprise me. I expected that the film will be liked, especially the youth audience. Of course, I agree with you that many things did not work, especially in the so-called. images combined. You must realize that almost a quarter of a century before the plebeian terms of the film, which measured the "strength of intentions, could not have created such a good movie, such as Raiders of the Lost Ark . What you say is not an excuse, because everyone can ask "what did you do this film knowing that it does not catch up with Hollywood productions?". But it would be good to realize that, for example, filming a scene with Eva Sałacka on the bridge dangling over the precipice we had three hours, without any safety net. A similar scene with the intention of Raiders of the Lost Ark shot a total of 2 weeks - in the open air, in studio and on the "scales of the bridge.
learning about the Lord's work of the movie after movie, I got the impression that fewer and fewer interested in combining your content with high-sounding genre cinema, and ever more pure entertainment and pageantry.
I think all the time but I wish that in my films there was something more than just pure entertainment. To be able to think about whether shrug, not just to scare or intrigue. And that does not always succeed, well, maybe I can not get or write the appropriate scenarios?
Mr. Ma's leading filmmakers class B. Do you agree with this or can it considers unfair drawer? What according to you is Class B movies?
strongly believe that such stereotyped, existing only in Poland, moreover, is unfair. In Class B play movies generally unknown and weak actors, and I have always played the best Polish and foreign actors. Played a great Russian movie stars like Oscar winner and W. Iwaszow Kajdanowski Sasha, a hero of the famous Stalker. Music composers always famous composers, such as one of the greatest composers of contemporary music by Arvo Part with the help of Eugene Rudnik to Pirx Test pilot, or Sven Grunberg Curse of the Snake Valley . Set design, interiors and costumes it was by the best artists. I do not know B-movies that would have such scenery as Wolf.
your advertisement is most often associated with horror. What is it about this movie, it just pulls you to him?
I think that in modern man, usually a very rule-based and boring, the world likes to be scared, sitting comfortably in a chair, cinema, and knowing that it's really not threatening. Maybe outside of illness or unemployment. Feel the breath on the neck of something unknown and undefined until the end, it is an experience that sometimes zjeży hair on his head, and will spend two hours in a different world than the one in which we live every day.
from film to film was in the Lord more and more erotic emphasis - from the fragment showing the passionate kiss between two women in investigation by dancing strippers in Pirx Test pilot, and full of lust wolf, wolf back and finally Tear of the Prince of Darkness . In other words, your films have been progressively bolder. From what is revealed? Is the time more interested in your topic sexuality?
It was not any deliberate intention. Sexuality is one aspect of human life and accompanied him throughout the period of residence in this world. If a scene in which the accents occur due to erotic action film and is not an artificial additive, it is not I avoid it. However, I am as far from epatowania excessive display of eroticism and nudity where it is needed.
Tear of the Prince of Darkness makes an impression the film genre pastiche. Are you certain elements of the intentionally so przerysował? Opening animation seems to me the whole a very fit, because it emphasizes conventionality of the film. Is there actually was such fun to be a cinema with a wink?
film originally was supposed to be quite serious, but the enormous difficulty of filming - resulting from the disintegration of the communist system in Estonia and Russia, as well as economic changes in Poland - meant that I was able to achieve maybe 50% of what I intended. As already mentioned, a large part of the movie were to be called. Special pictures that were not done, or has been done so badly that I could not use them. As you rightly pointed out, opening animation was done in order to take the whole bracket. Emphasize that this is a fun horror cinema. Why
between tear the Prince of Darkness, and the flue vacation you do not shot? What do you do the deal?
At that time I wrote a few screenplays, including Vampire on the novel by W. Reymont. I also worked as the second director at the Aquarium Antoni Krauze, Comedy Roman Zaluski marital or Island on Bird Street Soren Kragh- Jacobsen.
Totally Holiday is unexpected turn towards the cinema for children. Why the change?
missed already back on the plan, as director, and this scenario, although the children remained in the circle of my interests. After all, the heroine of this movie, flying witches on broomsticks. Happening in various fantastic event and it is finally a bit of a horror film, a bit of fantasy for children from environmental message.
As you mention education at the Lodz film school, and as you mentioned back to it after years as a teacher?
time spent in the Lodz film school, This is one of the greatest periods of my life. To have such teachers as professors J. Toeplitz, J. Bossak, J. Wohl, A. Bohdziewicz, K. Karabasz, J. Mierzejewski and A. Wajda, the happiness and great intellectual adventure for a young man. At the same time I studied with wonderful colleagues, which grew up after the great world cinema, such as Krzysztof Kieslowski and Hollywood operator Slawomir Idziak. Unfortunately not lectured at the Lodz film school, although repeatedly invited me to her late rector prof. Henry Kluba.
As you mentioned a period of teaching in the Wroclaw Film School? What was the reason for leaving?
The Wroclaw School invited me to her manager, Mr. Janusz Pukaluk. This period I remember with pleasure. The atmosphere was really creative, and conditions for gaining practical knowledge of film students were very good. I had to go because I could not reconcile the commuting classes at the Wroclaw work in Warsaw at the show of force itself.
How big is the chance to rise planned by Mr. Small winners? Does the success of this film depends on whether you propels Pomarlicę ? What is it about this novel, that the Lord wants her to film? How much has to do with Wolf?
I hope that opportunity and it is great. Soon it turns out if we can to attain budget film producer. Success always easier to work on the next film. A short novel Gierałtowski Pomarlica is material for a great horror. He has a climate and atmosphere wolf. In addition to the concerns of our history: Polish-Russian relations, the fight interviews and agencies.
Apart from these two titles have you got any plans? I heard a rumor do not know if it the truth that you have an idea for a painting in the style of Mad Max ?
course, I have a lot of plans. About Pomarlicy and Vampire already mentioned, I'm working on a script or a sci-fi series Fri Hitler's last weapon .
What do you think about contemporary Polish cinema? Are there any titles that you would confidently recommend?
I'm not a critic. I look at some film through the prism of their ideas and what I like. They recently completed films, which are very appreciate, for example, Rubella Kidawy-Blonski and Joanna Falk.
Do you see a few Polish horror movies of recent years, as Legend or Season darkness? If so, what do you think about them?
Unfortunately I have not seen. Do not even know whether they were in theaters.
What do you think, why in Poland so rarely turns the movie fantastic? Do you agree with the assertion that the formation of such films with us is doomed to failure? Is it worth trying?
Nothing is doomed to fail, but the self-confidence is not enough. Always worth a try, but at the ground must always be good script. And to produce a good sci-fi movie, you also need a lot of money. Without these two factors for the creation of the film was no attempt can not succeed.
the practice in Roman Polanski on the set of Rosemary's Baby (photo from the archives of the director) |
As an experienced person, what would you say to young people who want to create cinema? Is it worth it go?
never been easy to enter the profession. In my time the next director had a few years apprenticeship as an assistant director, then the second director, and finally able to apply for a debut, carrying first short feature film for TVP. The question "is it worth it go?" is improperly posed. If anyone thinks that the profession of film-maker would bring him big money and success, it's not worth it. But if someone really loves movies and dreams of working on a film, you will want to overcome all difficulties.
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