Friday, December 17, 2010
Sim City 41.1.638 Light
"Even the popular television series as" ranch "in the TVP, the heroes of the negative - as the mayor Koziol - are people with traits" wrażych "pisowców. These are the words of Joachim
Brudzińskiego - Chairman of the Executive Committee Law and Justice - in an interview for "Gazeta Wyborcza"
"From an interview with Joachim Brudzińskim, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PiS, I learned that:" Even in the popular television series as "Ranch" on TV, heroes negative - as the mayor Koziol - are people with traits "wrażych" pisowców.
Everyone watching the series knows Paul Koziol mayor is an atheist, a former Communist Party apparatchik, welded to a stool opportunist. Where's features can be found "wrażego pisowca" remains a mystery Mr Brudzińskiego.
Sincerely, Matt
Producer Series Ranch "
watched the last episode of" Ranch "- the mayor is a true scoundrel.
Since even J. Brudziński wrażego pisowca identifies the mayor Goat, it made me not quite up to it did not agree. After all, he knows best candidates for the seat pisowskich. And I already know why the voters have widely turned their backs on the PiS and I hope that with this cause will long remember.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Mary Sue Masterson Sims 2
For three days the next anniversary of the POLISH LAW incompatible with martial law. Another anniversary of the crimes and murders that have not been recovered.
The crimes made with the knowledge and consent of General Jaruzelski. Because I had to know about them and at least it eventually (in the strict, legal sense of the term) to accept. Is responsible for them not only to history. He is responsible under Polish law. It is accountable to the families of the murdered, angulation, unlawfully imprisoned.
few days ago, the gene Jaruzelski was invited by President B. Komorowski to participate in one of the meetings of BBN. As a result of this invitation, sent a letter to Mr. President. This letter was quoted in full by the virtual portal of Poland. Under the letter appeared in hundreds of entries to Internet users. In the majority of very positive for the general.
For all those who are in any doubt, and in memory of the victims of this list.
victims of martial law and subsequent years until 1989.
29 years after the declaration of martial law are still not able to provide complete and accurate list of its victims
year 1981
December 16 miners from the mine uncle:
Zenon Hare: He survived only 22 years. Locksmith. He was not born in Silesia - came from villages in the province of Poznan Cegielska. In Silesia came for bread. He died from a wound in the chest. Fiancee drove his body to his native village. Even in this way interfered with the seriousness of his death. Along the way patrols three times opened the coffin. Richard
Gzik: 35th Years Born in Katowice Piotrowice. He died from a shot in the head. An orphaned child. Zbigniew
Wolf: the 30s From Katowice. Shot in the back. Two children orphaned.
Boguslaw Kopczak: 28 years old, married. Also from Katowice. He died from a wound in the stomach. An orphaned child. Joseph
Czekalski: The oldest and most experienced. Aged 48, half of them are overworked underground. He came from Katowice. Until retirement he lacked two years. He died from a bullet to the heart. An orphaned child. His wife was not allowed to go
the coffin.
Joseph Christopher Giza: 24th Years Came from suburbs Beech in the province Zamosc. Mining was a carpenter, a bachelor. During the strike, first shot in the arm. When it bears him, he returned to his colleagues. Then again, he got shot in the arm and the latter - in the neck and chest. Andrew
Pełka: The youngest of them all, just 20 years. A native of the province Niedośpielina Piotrków. He died from a wound in the head. Joachim
nit: 28 years. Tychy. Shot piercing his head. He died after the New Year,
January 2, 1982, the
Jan Stawisiński: 22 years. He came up from Koszalin. Seashore was a lifeguard. He was shot in the head. He died on 25 January 1982 17 December
Browarczyk Antoni: He was 23 years. Shot hit him in the head during the dispersal of demonstrations at the KW in Gdansk Communist Party.
Tadeusz Kostecki: Worked in waterworks. Following the declaration of martial law was out jointly with the staff and students of University of Technology. He died of a heart attack, when riot police pacyfikowało university.
1982 January 4
Wanda Kolodziejczyk: First woman on the list of victims. She was 59 years. It was brought to the hospital with the Rakowiecka custody. She was unable to dying, with traces of beatings. After a few minutes she died. The only known trace of her death, contains a list drawn up by the Helsinki Committee. Who was she? Was arrested for what? Whether it was connected with Solidarity? Has there been a political prisoner? So far, nothing more about her
do not know.
February 2
Zdunek Francis: He was a farmer in Sobolew gospodarzył in Lublin province. He was 49. He chaired the Building Committee of the local Chapel. MO sergeant shot him. The expert ruled that the shot could be placed randomly.
February 13
Jerzy Karwacki: Worked in a Factory Metal Industry. Hipolit Cegielski in Poznan. During the demonstration at the monument to the Poznan June '56 has been detained by the police and taken for questioning to a police station III, MO. A day later he was found dead on an embankment on the streetcar Estate Lech.
2 March
Wojciech Cieslewicz: He was 29 years old, was a graduate of the University. Adam Mickiewicz, a journalist. February 13 on pl. Mickiewicz University in Poznan probably witnessed a demonstration of "Solidarity". Ok. hours. 18 near the bridge at the Theatre Street. Fredro was severely beaten by riot police squad. Who were the perpetrators of beatings, witnesses confirmed. In order to discontinue the investigation stated that the death was caused by "following the trauma inflicted by the militia during
intervention on 13 February 1982"
April 2
Wojciech Cielecki: 19-year-old shot in Biala Podlaska by a drunken soldier. Previously, two drunken soldiers began beating him and claim the alcohol. He escaped through the gate house, but drove him overseer. Then he was shot.
April 3
Mieczyslaw Rokitowski: 47th Years A native of Przemysl. He was arrested March 23 on charges of illegal distribution of book publications. Beaten during interrogation in police custody in Załęże.
Stanislaw Kot: Engineer in Rzeszow meat processing plants. Beaten by riot police patrol
March 31. Witnesses testified that before his death spoke of beatings by the militia in the Chamber of sobriety.
May 3
Wladyslaw Durda: Locksmith on the Board of the Port of Szczecin. During the dispersal of the demonstration under the windows of the police used tear gas. Poisoned with these gases in their own home. The militia refused to call an ambulance. Mieczyslaw
Radomski: He was 56 years old, lived in Warsaw, was a locksmith in Unitrze-Unimie. He was killed during the protests on the anniversary of the Constitution of the street on May 3. Joanna
Lenartowicz 19-year-old beaten by riot police during the dispersal of demonstrations on May 3 in Warsaw, died two days later.
Szulecki Adam: He was 32 years. Riot police officers beat him during the demonstration in Warsaw on May 3. He died six days later.
May 18
Piotr Majchrzak: 19-year-old. Horticultural Apprentice Poznan. Evening, May 11 at the show this was the church. Holy Savior. The policemen beat him probably because of the clothes HomePlug resistor. Investigation discontinued. Slain colleagues observed the Security Service before attending the funeral.
June 16
Emil Barchanski: 17-year-old student from Warsaw. His body was fished out of the Vistula River on June 16. Three months before his death, was arrested by secret police during the printing of an underground press. At the hearing before the juvenile court, he testified that, during investigation was beaten and called it complex testimony. The circumstances of his death in the river remained unclear. It is known that shortly before, when he found himself on the Vistula,
was accompanied by a man. Law enforcement agencies are very interested in him - questioned him until a few days after the death of the boy.
July 13
Vladimir Lisowski: 67th Years A resident of Krakow. He died due to rupture of the liver after being beaten with a baton militia during a demonstration May 13 in Krakow's Market Square.
August 1
Jacek Ottoman: 21 years He died in Torun, beaten up by a patrol team at the concert MO Budgie. He also was a policeman, the performances came in mufti.
August 31
Mieczyslaw Pozniak: 26th Years Mechanic Elektromontaż. Knight. He died from a bullet wound in the abdomen violently repressed demonstrations in Lubin. The shots were falling from the cordon of officers in helmets and helmets with the running after them nysa. Andrew
Trajkovski: The second victim during a demonstration in Lubin. He was 32 years old, he was an electrician. He died from the gunshot wound of the head. Four children orphaned. Michael Adamowicz
: Third victim in Lubin. He was 28 years old, was a miner from Rudna. After several days of demonstrations, on September 5, died from gunshot wounds. Two children orphaned.
Peter Sadowski: 32nd Years Gdansk shipyard worker. According to one version of the hit by firecrackers during the demonstration on August 31 in Gdansk, according to another - fell over and hit his head against a curb or sidewalk, fleeing attackers zomowcami. Kazimierz
Michalczyk: He was 27 years old, lived in Wroclaw. He was a turner in plants Elwro. He died as a result of injuries sustained during the dispersal of a demonstration on August 31. He had two children. Stanislaw
Cancer: 35th Years Kielce. Watchmaker. Beaten during the demonstration on August 31, died Sept. 7.
September 3 Eugene
Wiłkomirski: 52 years old Czestochowa. Beaten by riot police during a demonstration Sept. 1, and died two days later.
September 21
Zdzislaw Jurgielewicz: 29th Years Employee ZSO Polam in Wilkasy. Beaten on September 12 at Municipal Headquarters Giżycko MO. Sentenced for the fatal beating of inmate. He died in hospital.
October 13
Vladimir Jagodzinski: Memo KM MO Dąbrowa said: "13 October 1982 at approx. 4.45 in Dąbrowa-Gołonogu when hanging the flag with the word "Solidarity" in the high voltage power lines was killed Vladimir Jagodzinski spot. " Born in
Grudziadz worked in the Metallurgical Combine Huta Katowice. He was active in the Solidarity movement. The basement alone hung crosses performed leaflets and posters. His banners proclaiming "Solidarity" were hung on the conveyor belt objects transmit ore coming from the USSR. Several times he managed to hang the flag of "Solidarity" on the route leading to the main gate of Huta Katowice. At noon, before the arrival of the Soviet delegation zamocował banner of "Solidarity" on the viaduct leading to
Huta Katowice.
October 13 Bogdan
Włosik: 20th Years For residents of Nowa Huta became almost a sacred character. He studied at a technical college, he worked at the Steelworks. Lenin. During the demonstration on October 13, shot him in the street, at church, the Ark of the Lord, the captain of the Security Service in civilian clothes - and then explained that he acted in self-defense. The funeral was one of the largest demonstrations of martial law - was attended by 20 thousand. people.
October 29
Kazimierz Majewski: 46th Years The Company's Chairman of the Committee of Solidarity in the Jelenia Góra Tool Works. Directly before his death he was for several days summoned to audition for Home Affairs Regional Office in Jelenia Gora. Committed suicide due to witch-hunt, surveillance, threats and inducements for cooperation by the SB. Such explanations left in a letter written before his death.
October, the exact date of death unknown
Adam Grudzinski: 36th Years An employee of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow and the information section of the Regional Małopolska "Solidarity". Beaten in an internment camp in Załęże when he stood in defense of a colleague extracted by force from his cell. At the time of internment was sick at heart. Three months after release, still under surveillance by the Security Service, died suddenly.
November 11
Albert Kaminski: 32nd Years Gdansk shipyard worker. Hit by firecrackers during a demonstration Nov. 11, died Nov. 28. Investigation into the death of his only started a year later.
Stanislaus November 16 Rabbit: 39 years old Employee Fotooptyki Warsaw. According to one version of being beaten by riot police during a demonstration Nov. 10, according to another - beaten by riot police at the bus stop near the University of Warsaw, when returning from work, waiting for the bus. According to yet another was killed by a fleeing milicyjnymi nysami.
Year 1983 January 8
Zbigniew Simoniuk: He was 33 years old, came from Bialystok. He was a political prisoner, internees, a member of the Committee for the Defence of Prisoners of Conscience. According to the official version, he committed suicide while serving a sentence of two years' imprisonment for underground activity in a prison in Bialystok. Earlier, in January 1981, was on the streets in Bialystok drenched in flammable liquid and burned. Circumstantial evidence pointed to the militia. Later, in the middle of the year, missing for several days, found it extremely
exhausted, with traces of injuries and burns.
January 13
Błeszczyński Zenon: 24th Years Employee Gazomontażu in Bydgoszcz. Beaten December 28, 1982, in police custody. After two weeks, died in hospital.
January 31
Jacek Jerz: One of the founders of the Confederation of the Polish underground in Radom, and a member of the inter-Regional Committee. In October 1980, he co-occupation of the established trade union official, in December - street demonstration to commemorate the victims of December '70. In a state of war interned in Kielce and Kwidzyn. When I protested against obstruction of vision with his family, was severely beaten
. One month after release from internment, he died of a heart attack.
February 7
Richard Smith: 44 years. He came from the vicinity of Chrzanów. He taught history in primary school in Wygiełzów. He chaired the Committee to the Company of "Solidarity" in Huta Katowice. After December 13, 1981 before the year he was in detention without trial. He went missing on February 7. March 3 his body was fished out of river. The investigation was limited to
hearing two witnesses, examination and necropsy.
March 5
Jan Ziolkowski: 56th Years Contributor Building Committee Monument to the Victims of June '56. Beaten during interrogation at the police station MO V in. Summoned as a witness in the theft of a stranger's apartment. A few days later, he died - as the cause of the injury are blunt tools. His wife visited in subpoenas for hearings and revisions, to depart from trying to explain the reasons for the death of her husband.
March 7
Larysz Joseph: 41 years old One of the founders and chairman of the Solidarity movement in Elwro Pszczyna. 19 January 1983 dismissed for their union activities during the lawful functioning of the "Solidarity".
Zaborzu Interned in Zabrze. He died after a hearing in the Militia.
March 14
Boguslaw Podboraczyński: He was 21 years old. A native of Nysa. He was active in the Solidarity movement. It may have been detained by the militia. Body recovered from river 30 April.
April 17
Stanisław Kowalczyk: O. Honorius, a Dominican. During martial law, and organized assistance to the internees. He has masses for the homeland. He became an informal chaplain of Solidarity and the opposition.
He collected evidence on the death of Peter Majchrzak. He had a car accident in which it was ciężkoranny in Wydartowie Mogilno circle. He died after a few weeks Hospital in Poznan.
April, exact date of death unknown
Zbigniew Szymanski: Hanna came from villages in the province of Bielsko-Biała. Beaten by two ZOMO undergoing training. Nothing more about him we do not know, do not even know the date of death.
April, exact date of death unknown
Andrzej Szewczyk: 22nd year Worker from Nowa Huta, Krakow Construction worker beaten by riot police patrol for curfew violation. He died after 52 days, without regaining consciousness. Mangled body of the family recognized only after the lesion on the hands.
May 1
Bernard Łyskawa: 56th Years He died of a heart attack heart, fleeing riot police dispersing a demonstration in Krakow. Richard
Smagur: 29th Years Bookbinder from Krakow's Starodruk. He died hit by a bullet in my neck of the gas during a demonstration in Krakow under the ark of the Lord Church. Shot from very close, hot plastic capsule crackers stuck to his skin. Branches militia shelled the main Avenue
ambulance for help. They arrested his wife and brother.
May 3
Mark Kuchta: Arrested and beaten by the police in the Old Town in Warsaw. He died two days later.
May 14
Greg Przemyk: a senior. 19 years. Son of Barbara Sadowska, poet and activist, the Primate of the Committee for the Care of Persons deprived of their liberty and their families. He was a senior Warsaw High School. Frycz Modrzewski. MO beaten in the police station at ul. Jesuits in Warsaw on May 12. Became one of the most famous -
next Father Jerzy Popieluszko - victims of political repression. In the first trial militiamen freed from guilt, and sentenced a doctor and paramedics, who were driving him to the hospital
. After 1989, the court quashed the sentences. Until now, no longer held the five processes of alleged perpetrators. In each of them a former MO acquittal.
June 3
Zdzislaw Miąsko: 29th year Okuniewo farmer from the village in the province of Warsaw. Beaten to the police station in New Milosna.
June 17
Andrew Gąsiewski: 29th Years Employee of the Institute of Nuclear Research in Warsaw. Stopped when he returned with a banner of "Solidarity" with Mass celebrated at the Stadium of the Decade by John Paul II. College sentenced him to pay a fine. The money was paid, but sentenced to the house did not return. His body was found on a railway siding.
June 21
George Joseph March: 21 years Employee Rolling Stock Repair Plant in Wroclaw. He died under mysterious circumstances. His body found in the Oder River on June 22, the day after the Pope's visit in Wroclaw. According to the ruling of the doctors died from choking on blood. His name is listed as victims of martial law made by the Helsinki Committee in 1989
June 30
Jan Samsonowicz: 39 years old In uncovering esbeckim says: "as the Master of Polish philology is not running in the direction of their training, but looking for work, that, irrespective of his salary would create conditions for the anti-socialist activities." He worked as a provider at the Medical University of Gdansk. He was a member and chairman Literary Circle of Youth
the Polish Writers' Association. The Gdansk shipyard in August of '80 went on strike as a delegate of the Academy of Medicine. He organized a group to carry the leaflets. Interned. I still do not know how he died. His name is on the list, the highest correlation with IPN deaths of martial law.
August 16
Krzysztof Skrzypczak: Stopped in the second police station in Poznan, MO. While stopped repeatedly struck by a police officer. Forwarded to the sobering - there reported that he had injuries, including traces of incisions on the abdomen. Tied it to a safety belt. In vague terms have to liberate them and commit suicide by hanging.
August 29
Andrew Fine: 62nd Years Arrested on the night of 29 to 30 August. He died in custody from a police truncheon blows to the head. Nothing more about him we do not know.
August 31
Janina Drabowska: 63rd Years Died of pulmonary edema caused by the effects of tear gas used during the dispersal of demonstrations in Nowa Huta. George
Wandering: 28th Years Wroclaw. Arrested for taking part in the demonstration, he was in custody, awaiting trial. After several days in custody he died under mysterious circumstances.
Vladimir Witkowski: 31st Years Physicist from Wroclaw. He went missing after the demonstration. The body was found Sept. 7 hanging on a tree near Oleśnica.
September 9
Jacek Stefanski: 25th Years Musician from Gdansk. Flutist. One of three brothers Stefańskich. September 2 beaten in the street by unknown assailants. His brother and witness events blackmail officers urged to desist from clarifying the matter. Band appeared later to be called without Jack.
November 25
Henry Wasiluk: 28th Years Gorzow Wielkopolski. Convicted of underground activity. After his release from prison, committed suicide by self-immolation before the eviction from the apartment.
1984, February 7
Bartoszcze Peter: 34 years. A farmer from near Inowrocław Sławęcin. Agricultural activist of Solidarity. His body was found Feb. 8 in the sump drainage of the field. It was evident on the traces of beatings and suffocation. Circumstantial evidence pointed to the MO.
February 22
Zbigniew Tokar: 31st Years Stalowa Wola. An employee of the plant. "Solidarity" activist, interned. Harassed by the SB. His body was found near the house. Section showed liver and lung injuries, and traces of blows.
March 8
Boguslaw Walczak: Years 57. Employee Housing Companies in Wroclaw.
that day in the chair. 16 was stopped by the patrol police. He was taken to the police station. March 16 his wife called the police station that identified the corpse. She heard that the body was found March 15 near the plants Elwro. Section revealed rupture of the liver and the massacre of the face.
March 29
Edith Hnat: 8 years The youngest on the list of victims. She was a student of class II Elementary School No. 4 in Yaroslavl. She died at noon in the city park in Yaroslavl, MO when the officer began shooting from the windows of flats for children playing in a park and an adjoining nursery. Then he explained that his intention was to shoot at the lamp.
May 12
Jaroslaw Romanowski: Under 23 Suwalki. Stopped by the MO. According to the official version, hanged himself in the custody of the District Office of Internal Affairs in Suwalki. It was unclear where there are traces of beatings, which he had, hitting into custody. Not explained or motives was to be guided by committing suicide.
May 25
Kacper Lech: Barber of Mogielnica. Beaten 5 May the police station.
September 7
Tadeusz Fraś: 33 years. The teacher Zabierzow Bochenski. Chairman of the Solidarity movement in school. According to the official version, he jumped from the second floor. The body was found on the outskirts of Krakow. Section revealed traces of beating and strangling.
September 24
Kazimierz Lazarska: 58th Years Wabienice Bierutów wheel. Beaten in their own apartment by the militia. The perpetrators were given effect, the lower limits of the threat of punishment, then deferred the sentence until after the entry into force of the amnesty law.
October 18
Aleksander Hac: 44 years old Lublin. The Company's Chairman of the Committee of Solidarity in the Truck Plant. He was found Oct. 16 in the basement of the house at ul. Royal with severe head trauma.
October 19
Jerzy Popieluszko: Aged 37 He was a priest. He joined with the opposition, when, during August '80 went to celebrate Mass for the Warsaw steelworkers. During martial law, he celebrated Mass in Warsaw's famous for the motherland, the people who came
Solidarity with all Polish. He became arguably the most hated by the Security Service priest.
October 26
Andrew Gębosz: 31st Years Employee University. Beaten on October 25 at the District Office in the hearing of the Interior Lodz Downtown.
November 9
Henry Lavrinovic: Lat 42, Rzepin. Arrested the day before the police station. The doctor said a hematoma temples and numerous injuries.
November 10
Krzysztof Jasinski: He was 25 years. "Solidarity" activist. He lived in Olsztyn. Interned. The corpses were found at the bus stop in Elblag with potent injuries.
November 14
Chris Struski: 28th Years Krasnik. He was a mechanic in the Maintenance of Public Roads Region. MO officers stopped him, then threw with milicyjnego car. According to their version of himself fell out of the car. In keeping with this version, the prosecutor stated that the deceased kicked and struck the door, which led to their opening, and then fell, hitting his head on the roadway. During the investigation
not been photographed or inspection of the scene, where he had to jump out of the car.
December 22
Paul Sztencel: 19th Years He died of cardiac asthma in custody Street. Sad in Lodz, after denying him medical assistance.
Year 1985 January 8
Roman Franz: He lived in Gliwice, was 32 years. He was nadgórnikiem. The day before, was detained in a police station. Then he was found dead on a bench near the station. Section showed contusion of the brain.
January 30
Alexander Shuster: 25th Years Swidnik. MO beaten in the police station in this city. Death was due to fracture of the skull base.
February 14
John Budny: Lived in Grajewo, was an employee of the Area of \u200b\u200bPublic Roads. MO officers stopped him on Feb. 11. He was beaten during interrogation. The hospital was a hematoma of the brain, which was the cause of death.
March 4
Richard Ślusarski: Chojnowo. Beaten February 11 by the militia at home, on the street and the police station. Death occurred as a result of crushing the liver, kidney and intestinal rupture. The experts confirmed that his death resulted from beatings and punches. Before his death, said that the perpetrators were policemen beating.
May 9
Witold Przepiórzyński: Gdańsk. A member of Solidarity. His body was found May 17 in the harbor channel with traces of heavy damage.
June 15
Piotr Poplawski: Narew, province Bialystok. Pop Orthodox Church in Narew. The corpses were found June 20 in the forest near Zabludovo. According to the official version, he committed suicide by hanging.
June 26
Jacek Krzywda: Aged 37 Beaten up by policemen at the gate of the house where he lived.
August 29
Nicholas Black: 56th Years Oleśnica. Employee of the milling plant. Arrested the day before by MO. After releasing taken away by ambulance. He died as a result of injury to the skull. According to the official version fell down the stairs.
October 30
John Krawiec: 22nd Years Kalina near Miechów. Employee bus. Stopped in the command MO. According to the official version, he committed suicide by hanging in the custody of the District Office Home Affairs Miechow. The body bore signs of injury to the breast, stomach and head. Rejected the request of his father for witnesses who spoke of beating his son when stopped.
November 2
Martin Antonovich: 19th Years Graduate Olsztyn IV LO. Student at the University of Gdansk. MO patrol stopped by October 19. In a police car, suffered fatal head injuries. According to the militia fell from milicyjnego old. Investigation steered to the point that an experiment before the official process, which was to show how the victim fell from the truck, the same experiment was performed in riot police unit in Warsaw. It was attended by officers of the militia and conversant with the Polish Association of Motor.
December 9
Dariusz Kasprowski: Under 23 He came from Czestochowa. According to the official version, hanged himself in a penitentiary in Koronowo near Bydgoszcz. On the body revealed multiple injuries of the neck, shoulders and back.
December 17
Stanislaw Bulko: 30th Years Zamość. Deputy Director of the Department Remontowe PTTK. Found in a ditch near Zamosc with severe injuries. Dismissed from his job for drunkenness and theft of three ormowcy threatened him vengeance.
Year 1986
February 9
Zbigniew Crimson: 43rd Years Nowy Sacz. Since 1974, he worked in co-operatives, which in 1980 founded the "Solidarity". In 1981 he became chairman of the Works Committee, and later a delegate to the regional congress of the "S". When a state of war, he returned to the position of master repair group. In 1984 he was arrested and imprisoned in jail for Montelupich Krakow. Feb. 2 on the way to Mass was severely beaten. They found him on the street. The investigation into his case was conducted under the supervision of the same officers who previously ran against him
repressive measures.
December 27
Marian Bednarek: Years 35. Plock. MO beaten in the police station. Witnesses testified: "I heard the rumble, the man was beaten so that the clubs did not leave with him. One after another. They beat him so about 15 minutes (...). The response was just moaning. Right after that subsided, there is no shouting and stick bang like a tree drawn in a (...). for buckets of water, then opened the cell (...) and water was poured there. Ok. hr. 23 I heard how awful
Bednarek began to howl. Off in an inhuman manner. "
Year 1987 January 14
Gregory Lux: 19th Years Graduate vocational school. Beaten and kicked by a patrol of MO on the night of 29 to 30 August. If there is insufficient medical assistance died from complications after traumatic pancreatic cyst. After the sentencing of the offender is in hiding until the amnesty law came into force and the court revoked arrest warrant.
March 27
Albert Kalinowski: dome. Beaten 22 March in a police car.
Year 1988
November 12
Marian Klupczyński: 17 years. A student of the School of Professional them. S. Chudoby in Srem. Stopped by the police while drunk. In unclear circumstances, he had to hang on their own laces, leaving a letter: "Such shame I could not bear I decided to die. Goodbye? ".
Year 1989 January 20
Stefan Niedzielak: Warsaw. Fr. Participated in the Warsaw Uprising. Collaborated with the Government Delegation to the country. After the war he was pastor of St. Charles Borromeo at Warsaw. Creates Shrine of the Fallen and Murdered in the East. He was also chaplain of Katyn Families. The Cross Cemetery set Katyn, which destroyed the same night, the Security Service. It was her under surveillance and harassed.
Body found in his own apartment on January 21. Section as the cause death revealed numerous injuries and tearing ligaments, cervical vertebra. His death has so far remains unexplained.
January 30
Stanislaw Suchowolec: Białystok. The priest, parish priest of Our Lady of Dojlidy. It was named chaplain of the workers. It Inwigilowała Security Service, received some threats and anonymous letters. Found dead in his own apartment a week before the start of the Round Table talks. According to the prosecution version of the death occurred as a result of the metal monoxide poisoning caused by a fire in the room resulting from the ignition of the heater. The priest was Suchowolec a friend of Father Jerzy Popieluszko. November 11, 1984, the two had celebrated Mass for his country. That day, however, the priest celebrated Mass Stanislaw Suchowolec for the soul of Father Jerzy Popieluszko
murdered by officers of the Ministry of Interior.
In early 2006, the IPN prosecutors argued that Suchowolec priest was murdered by the Security Service.
July 11
Sylwester Zych: 39 years old Skierniewice. Pastor of St. James.
supported the group of young people who are trying to get a gun, shot the policeman in a tussle Zdzislaw Karosa. For aiding a group who considered him as its "war chaplain, the priest was sentenced to six years' imprisonment.
His body was found at the bus station in Krynica Morska. The death remains unexplained. Friends and family believe was revenge of the Security Service.
list developed Piotr Lipinski
published annually the list is based on the report of the Helsinki Committee in 1989, reports parliamentary special committee to investigate the activities of the Ministry of Interior in 1991, the list prepared by the Institute of National Remembrance. All these materials are missing - surely they lack parts names. The list contains the names of the obvious victims (fatally beaten by the police, murdered by the Security Service
) and the atmosphere of the victims of martial law: whether the military milicyjnego impunity, acquiescence to violence not only against the outlawed opposition, but the citizens are not necessarily involved in opposition activities. Preparing a complete list would probably never be possible - in many cases will not be able to enter the real causes of death. But today we are far from the research at a level that would even come close to such a complete list - those who certainly have been the victims of state violence, and those for which we suspect may be victims of martial law and subsequent years until 1989
Remembrance of those who paid with their lives for our freedom
Friday, November 19, 2010
Prawn Traps For Sale Vancouver Bc
No, no. In this post I'm not going to persuade anyone not voting. Quite the opposite. In this election, as perhaps in no other, you have to vote.
local elections is one of the few opportunities (the second is a referendum) on it, to cast their vote in full knowledge of the consequences. With a very simple reason - in the local elections a chance the choice of celebrities. Known not only through the media, but often personally known. In the local elections by voting can also be viewed positively or negatively the existing authority of cities, municipalities and counties.
governments in Poland is currently the most effective bodies issuing our money. Even so it is worth the look. I wisely choose another.
For those who do not know or want to remember what they are all local governments and what it is they recommend:
guide :-)
And where did this "bad luck" in the title? For my tangled destinies will not let me vote again. Although this time I would love to.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rikers Island Visiting Information
"The Church has never made a man no harm" are the words of the Monster and the Company Osel Poncyliusz Paul said in counterintelligence RMF FM.
It makes no sense to write about the countless victims of the Crusades, the inquisition stacks, religious wars, XVI and XVII, of Giordano Bruno, Galileo, or the victims of pedophile priests. This knowledge generally known and documented.
is rather puzzling if - just what - ignorance? ignorance? ignorance? bad faith? lizusostwa? careerism? or perhaps everything at the same time you need to argue that "the Church has never did harm to man.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What Does Give You The Pinkie Mean
Flying from the trees last letter,
Winds howl above the ground,
Hey, easy atheist
In our lives, especially in autumn!
Sam must overcome concerns,
quarrel with his wife and rebiatą,
A believer Rosołowski
guardian angel has it ...
are coming holidays and the Christmas tree
Where to get money for the party?
same for her son has to buy in a gift .
must look so cheap, and humor combine
A in Rosołowskich angel
Targa and parcels in the back!
He sets a beautiful tree,
he regards as wafers,
Then with a traditional song
occurs. God is born,
Rosołowscy on Christmas Eve,
angelic singing from the window of a liquid,
... their families
atheist talks about Darwin.
There is singing in his house,
So atheist thinks
- We, frankly, who are needed
atheists? But despite
plight, The doubts and
subsection does not recur, because the will
Push in life without favoritism.
... for when life is passed, will be awarded
Because after all, somewhere ought to be tired of atheists
Andrew Waligórski
Monday, September 27, 2010
Difference Between Tape Up And Fade
"The nation must maintain a salutary fear. People want to be afraid of anything. They want anyone to maintain them in a state of fear and trembling forced them to surrender. Terror is the most effective political weapon. "
Every day our political class has successfully used the simplest and most primitive way of governance.
Threatening Kaczynski from the ribs, Palikot, Rydzyk, black, red, Ruthenian and Germany, the capitalists, the cross in every home.
Make Roman "Divide et impera" and win this next election, who was more scared and share.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Linn Turntable Discount
I woke up and so I remembered. Zabluźniłem in spirit and I wrote here ...
TV showed And scholars took up That one dog somewhere in Asia can make the head of a pig The Found Dog bimbrownię time Cutouts How does Uncle greased with margarine TV broadcasts Łódź di ri di youth In Skierniewice two boilers How chased Nazi It fell to him in the pants television four experts from fertilizers and the world expect what happens In Guatemala for three years working masses will lose When real wages will fall Guatemala That misses the power elite of stealing steel is flowing, the powers tremble combine trained peasant In addition, the tip can win the band shown on television yesterday bones skinny kids shot somewhere in Angola showed fresh graves Fresh graves always thrill No matter where you dug How porosną, comes to light szczuł Who and what was going on sit down, pee, Cepeliada Miss Mania In the garden a cloud przejęzyczyła Eggs unbearable announced on television yesterday cited the cashier for stealing four thousand Four years, five months looks right citizen passes, day after day, hour A with him on the couch Relaxes the family Television with his mother children with newspapers to go wife as if taken from the radio He notices all the J. Kleyff | | |
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Milena Velba Picrures
This is one of the smartest lyrics I've read in recent days. I think that you will like it., 75968.8234662, Piromani_nad_Wisla.html
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What To Wear To A Navy Retirement
At the beginning of this post select only that these figures are only estimates, were taken from various sources and have not been fully tested.
In a previous post I put an entire chapter of the Constitution tyczący office of President.
This is a big part. Upon further hearing with him and collect the actual words of the mass of the competence of President, we can say that it really is our head of state: first
is appointed to represent Polish interests on the international stage, to ensure compliance with the Constitution, and is responsible for the security of the state;
second elections to the Sejm and Senate, in special cases it may shorten their term of office;
third may order a national referendum on important state matters requiring the decision of all citizens;
4th has a direct opportunity to influence the legislative process through the right of veto against laws; Sejm may reject such a veto;
5th may, before signing a bill, ask the Constitutional Court to verify its compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland;
6th ratify and renounce international agreements, nominates and recalls ambassadors and the credentials of representatives other states;
7th decide on the granting of awards and orders. It also has the power of clemency; designate certain positions;
8th is the head of the Armed Forces, appoints the Chief of General Staff and commanders of all the troops in time of war shall be appointed by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and can order a general mobilization.
That's basically all. It really is not much, and that the responsibilities could do that in an average intelligent person. Especially if one has to support more than 400 people.
Keeping this one person and his staff of assistants and costs a fortune.
Cost per term (including the approximate cost of the election)
first direct cost of elections - 120 000 000 zł (the PMC)
second the cost of the election campaign - 20 000 000 zł - a very conservative estimate (in 2005, the costs incurred by Tusk and Kaczynski are submitted by their staffs Election amounted to approximately 16 000 000 zł. - for "On")
third maintenance cost of the presidential office - 189 zł 000 000 x 5 years = 945 000 000 zł (for "Gazeta Wyborcza")
4th remuneration of the President - 1 170 000 zł - for a 5-year term (the "Gazeta Wyborcza")
TOTAL: 1 086 170 000 zł.
annual budget of sports schools in Lodz is approximately 3 000 000 zł (Website schools and BIP) - a really great school.
in Lublin is approximately 47 primary schools. Their budget is of course different, but I assume it at the level of 3 million.
1 086 170 000 5 = 217 234 000 zł (annual cost of maintaining the president)
217 234 000 3 000 000 = 72 primary schools
The annual expenditure on maintaining the position of president can maintain the basic schools of Lublin and the surrounding area ...
presidential powers are so small that it easily could be divided between other state agencies.
And if you really need to maintain this position, it can to save the cost of actually limit it to only the role of figural and elections done by drawing lots among willing satisfying appropriate conditions rather high?
Rodney Moore Business Woman
Article 126
first Polish president is the supreme representative of the Polish Republic and the guarantor of the continuity of government.
second President of the Republic shall ensure observance of the Constitution, safeguard the sovereignty and national security and the inviolability and integrity of its territory.
third The President shall exercise his duties within the scope and the principles defined in the Constitution and statutes.
Article 127
first President of the Republic is elected by the people in the general election,
equal, direct and secret vote.
second President of the Republic is elected for a five-year term and may be
re-elected only once.
third President of the Republic may be elected Polish citizen who, at the latest
on election ends 35 years old and enjoys full voting rights to the Sejm. Candidature shall be at least 100 000 citizens having the right to the Sejm.
4th President of the Republic shall be elected the candidate who obtains more than half of the valid votes cast. If no candidate obtains the required majority, the fourteenth day after the first ballot shall be conducted to re-vote.
5th In a repeat ballot shall be made among the two candidates who in the first ballot received the largest number of votes. If any of these two candidates withdraws his consent to candidacy, forfeits his right to vote or die, in its place in the repeat ballot by the candidate who received the highest number of votes in the first ballot. In this case the date of re-vote be postponed by a further 14 days.
6th President of the Republic shall be elected the candidate who voted to re
received more votes.
7th Policies and procedures for nominating candidates and conducting elections, and the conditions
validity of the election of the President of the Republic established by law.
Article 128
first The term of office of the President of the Republic shall commence on the date of his assuming office.
second Election of President of the Republic Marshal managed on a day
no earlier than 100 days and no later than 75 days before expiry of term of office of President of the Republic, in the event of vacancy in the office of the President of the Republic - no later than the fourteenth day thereafter, specifying the date of the election on a day off -working within 60 days of ordering the election.
Article 129
first The validity of the election of the President of the Republic Supreme Court.
second Voters have the right to report to the Supreme Court against the validity
election of the President of the Republic under the terms of the Act.
third In case of annulment of the election of the President of the Republic shall be a new election, under the conditions laid down in Article. Paragraph 128. 2 for a vacancy in the office of President of the Republic.
Article 130
President of the Republic shall assume office after the deposit of the National Assembly the following oath
: "Assuming the will of the Nation's office of the Polish President, solemnly swear to be faithful to the provisions of the Constitution, I would keep steadfast
Nation dignity, independence and security State, and the good of the Homeland and the prosperity of its citizens will forever remain my supreme obligation. "
oath may be taken with the additional sentence" So help me God ".
Article 131 If the first President of the Republic is temporarily unable to exercise authority, it shall notify the Speaker of the Sejm, who shall temporarily assume the duties of the President of the Republic. When the President of the Republic is unable to notify the Speaker of the non-potency of office, then a statement of the obstacles in the exercise of authority by the President of the Constitutional Court decides on the request of the Marshal Sejm. In the event of temporary inability to recognize the office by the President of the Constitutional Court Marshal of the Sejm temporarily performing the duties of the President of the Republic.
second Marshal temporarily, until a new President of the Republic,
perform the duties of President of the Republic if:
1) death of the President of the Republic,
2) resignation from office by the President of the Republic,
3) annulment of the election of the President or other reasons for not assuming office after the selection,
4) recognition by the National Assembly President's permanent incapacity To exercise his duties due to health, the affirmative vote of at least 2 / 3 majority of the statutory number of members of the National Assembly,
5) submission of the President of the Republic from office by decision of the Court of State.
third If the Marshal can not perform the duties of the President of the Republic,
these responsibilities by the Marshal of the Senate.
4th Who performs the duties of the President of the Republic shall not shorten
Article 132
President of the Republic shall hold no other offices nor discharge any public office, except those that are related to the duties of his office.
Article 133
first President of the Republic as a representative of the State in its external relations:
1) ratify and renounce international agreements, shall notify the Sejm and the Senate,
2) appoint and dismiss plenipotentiary representatives of the Polish Republic in other countries and international organizations,
3) receive the credentials and referring accredited to him
diplomatic representatives of other countries and international organizations.
second President of the Republic, before ratifying an international agreement may refer to the Constitutional Court a request on its compatibility with the Constitution.
third President of the Republic in the foreign policy interacts with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers
and the appropriate minister.
Article 134
first President of the Republic is the supreme head of the Armed Forces
Polish Republic.
second In times of peace, President of the Republic shall exercise authority over the Armed Forces
through the Minister of National Defence.
third President of the Republic shall appoint the Chief of General Staff and commanders of the Armed Forces
term. The term of office, terms and conditions prior to cancellation within specified by statute.
4th At the time of war, the President of the Republic, at the request of the Prime Minister,
appoint Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The same procedure may Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of appeal. Powers of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the principle of subordination to the constitutional authorities of the Polish Republic established by law.
5th President of the Republic, at the request of the Minister of National Defence, as specified by statute confers military ranks.
6th Powers of the President of the Republic, regarding the sovereignty over the Armed Forces, specifically determined by law.
Article 135
advisory organ to the President Republic regarding internal and external state security
the National Security Council.
Article 136
In case of a direct external threat to the State President of the Republic,
at the request of the Prime Minister, order a general or partial mobilization
and use of the Armed Forces to defend the Polish Republic.
Article 137
President of the Republic shall grant Polish citizenship and agrees to surrender
Polish citizenship.
Article 138
President of the Republic shall confer orders and decorations. Art
President of the Republic shall have the power of grace. The power of pardon does not apply to persons convicted by the Tribunal
Article 140
President of the Republic may deliver a Message to the Sejm, the Senate or
to the National Assembly. Messages are not a subject of debate.
Article 141
first In particular matters, President of the Republic may convene the Cabinet Council
. The Cabinet Council created the Council of Ministers chaired by President of the Republic
second The Cabinet Council lacks the competence of the Council of Ministers.
Article 142
first President of the Republic shall issue regulations and orders under the terms of Article. 92 and. 93.
second President of the Republic shall issue decisions to implement the remaining
its competence.
Article 143
auxiliary organ of the President of the Office of the President of the Republic
. President of the Republic Office of the statute and appoint and dismiss
Head of the Presidential Chancellery.
Article 144
first President of the Republic, exercising his constitutional and statutory
competence, shall issue Official Acts.
second Official Acts of the President shall require for their validity, the signature of the Prime Minister who, by signature, accepts responsibility before the Parliament.
third Provision of par. 2 does not apply to:
1) elections to the Sejm and the Senate,
2) convening the first meeting of newly elected Sejm and Senate,
3) shortening the term of the Parliament in cases stipulated in the Constitution,
4) legislative initiative
5) management of a nationwide referendum ,
6) signing or refusing to sign a bill
7) ordering the promulgation of laws and international agreements in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Polish,
8) delivering a Message to the Sejm, the Senate or National Assembly,
9) application to the Constitutional Court
10) the request for verification by the Supreme Board of Control,
11) nominating and appointing the Prime Minister,
12) accepting resignation of the Council of Ministers and its provisional
perform duties
13) requesting the Sejm to bring before the Tribunal of State member of the Council of Ministers,
14) dismissing a minister in whom the Sejm has passed a vote of censure,
15) convening the Cabinet Council,
16) conferring orders and decorations,
17) the appointment of judges,
18) applying the law of grace,
19) granting Polish citizenship and giving consent for renunciation of Polish citizenship
20) appointing the First President of the Supreme Court,
21) appointing the President and Vice President of the Constitutional Court,
22) appointing the President of the Supreme Administrative Court,
23) appointing the presidents and vice presidents of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Administrative Court,
24) requesting the Sejm to appoint the President Polish National Bank
25) appointing members of the Monetary Policy Council,
26) appointing and dismissing members of the National Security Council,
27) appointing members of the National Broadcasting Council,
28) the statute of the Office President of the Republic and
appointing or dismissing the Chief of the Presidential Chancellery,
29) issuing orders under the terms of Article. 93,
30) resigning from the office of the President of the Republic.
Article 145
first President of the Republic for breach of the Constitution, laws, or for committing a crime
can be held accountable before the Tribunal of State.
second Putting the President of the indictment may be
National Assembly resolution, passed by a majority of at least 2 / 3 vote of the statutory number of members
National Assembly at the request of at least 140 members of the National Assembly.
third On passing a resolution to send the President of the Republic
state prosecution before the State Tribunal to hold office by the President of the Republic
be suspended. The provision of Article. 131 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Monday, May 31, 2010
How Do I Become Bonded In Ontario
I could not resist ... :-)
poem about the boys of the posters
Boys! Get out of the posters.
you boys go home.
And because it's your fun
need boys to whom?
ye asked the children?
Did any of you are dare?
Ask what they feel
When you face someone crybaby?
When you star on their foreheads, cheeks
A blemish,
When the names of
write your ugly words ...
Or maybe they are ashamed of the National Weights
Fathers say that they prefer to fish
And I want cotton candy?
Boys! Get out of the posters.
Remove from weapons bayonet
Go back to your girls,
Tell them they are nice.
And no, that "... white ...", that" ... black
That ...", "... Great Family Poles ...",
That "... that the Joint House ..."," ... Homeland ...",
boys rind potato
Napijcie the boys milk
(stands on a shelf with honey)
important jobs to the boys themselves
After at once the nation?
Artur Andrus
(September 2000 - during the election campaign)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
5 Foot 4 Goalie Equipment Size
This new initiative. But only applaud her! If anyone can help, I know that any help is appreciated!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
How To Make A Low Profile Box Spring
Being a few days ago in my hometown, I decided get a certificate allowing the vote in the city of my residence.
also met with my daughter for the first time in my life will be able to choose from.
Sitting there at the beer talking, among others for the next presidential election. During talks with his daughter died sacramental paragraph - "Who do you vote?"
Without thinking, of course I blurted out, "Of course, Komor ..." Fortunately, not finished.
accordance with the truth told his daughter that I will not vote this time. I will not, because the old adage (probably Arabic) says that "if someone you again for the third time that you are an ass, then go and buy yourself a saddle." I've heard that I'm a fool twice already, and I hope not to give up the saddle. My vote would be
choice between a greater evil and more evil. And so stupid, I no longer am. I did not take
Certificates will not be tempted.
daughter does not know who, so we did a review of candidates. It turned out bad, because the aggregation of the pros and cons came out that the only politician whose vote is worth Waldemar Pawlak. Pragmatism. But the pragmatic so we are neither I nor she.
Odsercowa friend wants to vote for Komorowski, but either it is to persuade, or before we go on vacation ...
In any event, on 20 May. came out like this: first
Boguslaw Ziętek - his views are exactly opposite to mine. If someone suggests that the unemployed will receive 68% of average earnings and the economy will be almost entirely by the state if I have to pay for shipyards, steel mills, mines and railways, it made me a penknife in his pocket opens.
2. Andrzej Lepper - fall - not even one plus.
third Kornel Morawiecki - the lack of any meaning in politics, and one of the glorious past has prezydentował.
4th Janusz Korwin-Mikke - a minus, but the length of the runway - zeszmacenie in alliance with the point. 2.
5th Marek Jurek - to emigrate I am rather too old, and no fear from the radicals of each character.
6th Grzegorz Napieralski - who does not? Communion! Just like that, in principle.
7th Andrzej Olechowski - it pretty well, maybe even higher than Kohl's or Obama. The views as someone with experience in the PRL, even liberal. But it did not work in politics, he found his place, "appears and disappears." And so I'm not sure what to do I expect from him.
8th Jaroslaw Kaczynski - I have a good memory, I will not fall for a new image.
9th Bronislaw Komorowski - who forgot what the OP wants to do with the position of President of the Republic, let him read it here . PO is a party that does not abide by ANY election promise. At the time of exercise of power has not done anything with his program of parliamentary elections. And that is the PO candidate.
10th Waldemar Pawlak - it's the perfect candidate. No one, as he able to maneuver in the intricacies of Polish politics. Over 20 years of the government and the Sejm manger took manners. Pure pragmatist. A coup and did not even sit for the day. Not many, is still in power. Disgusting.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Calories In Chicken Chow Mein Small
day a little differently, without definition, without reference to the literature and authorities. Very seriously. Because it is a very serious topic.
called out to an array (here) states bluntly - ANARCHY IS THE BEST MAN invented by the constitution. I will not go into the different types, subtypes, categories, etc. I understand the anarchic regime put - literally from the Greek - "without authority." For me, this system anarchy in which everyone is equal, free, united. Means of production are common, the authority, as such, does not exist. There is also the state (along with its institutions of coercion).
Beautiful. Perfect.
And because this is a perfect system, is a utopian political system. And here, in principle, could end the discussions about the anarchy. But let us go further.
first There was something perfect, it must be constructed with ideal components. Consent? Society (all societies) is created by people. For society was perfect, it must be constructed of ideal citizens (the ideal of human beings). People are not perfect and probably never will be. They are not perfect, are not even equal. Some are smarter, some dumber. Some weak and niezaradni, some enterprising and intelligent. Some contend that the public something new, while others only consume. Some have a high awareness, others are interested in only his navel. Some people are just aspołeczni. Moving forward - some are healthy, others are sick. There are also those who, because of his illness are for the public dangerous. And yet we do not want such individuals were at liberty. Who will decide whether they should be treated under compulsion?
second The assumption - the coercive apparatus anarchist society should not exist. How to imagine life without the police? Somehow (maybe because of the narrowness of the mind) I can not imagine sinless humanity. I guess that biologically modified. Of course, modified voluntarily. But such a modification done voluntarily? Because in the name of the sinless life and free you will not need to force anyone to change, right? And if we consider that the police apparatus is needed, then we have a derogation from the standard.
third What to do with individuals aspołecznymi, individualists who want to "have something else, more, less, do not want to work for the common good in a common state farms, collective farms, sowchozach, co-operatives? They prefer to live on the margins of society, or permanently outside of Germany? What about artists? Also to form the "common good"? How much? 12 images of large or 24 small? 2 novels, 24 poems? Compulsion to work preclude individual freedom. Who has set the standard? Based on what? Freedom under duress?
Is Free anarchist society there will be individuals who will want to voluntarily do the same and work "dirty"?
4th Until you become jednakodobrąijednakoświadomąmasą someone must enter the urawniłowkę. In the name of higher goals - the moment all the mouth? We've been through this before. Did not work out. Orwell and a few others still warns ...
Can a global revolution? Such a "Fear is our last ... when our union brothers on ... hypocrisy extortioners governments kata, the challenges in rzucim cry?" But who tells us, that what we are in paradise?
To enter the system? At the same time all over the world. Otherwise, in my opinion you can not. And it is probably impossible. Because as the state has to exist (?) - After all, we reject the State - that without an army and its commanders resisting its neighbors? Is it at all possible co-existence of "states" anarchist and political systems of other countries? In my opinion, no. And what with the confessional? What denominational societies?
5th I think that if anarchism was achievable model for humanity, we would be at this level (As a reminder - as humanity has already passed it once.)
Human progress is the progress made thanks to an outstanding, thoughtful individuals differently, stemming the tide, contrary thinking. Not by jednakowytłumjednakowomyślącychludzi. Zbigniew Herbert
paradise In paradise working week is thirty hours
salaries are higher prices continually zniżkują
Physical work does not matches (due to less attractive)
chopping wood is the same as typing
Social system is stable and governments are really intelligent
in paradise is better than any country
At the beginning it were otherwise-
luminous circles choirs and degrees of abstraction
But I could not be separated exactly
body from the soul and come here with a drop of flare fat
muscles had to learn the lessons
Grain Mix absolute with a grain of clay
Another exception to the doctrine of the last exception
Only John had predicted: the resurrection of the body
see God is only for those with pure pneumy
rest hears messages about miracles and potopach
With time, all God will be watching
When that happens, nobody knows
For now, on Saturday at noon
roaring sirens sweetly
I come out of heaven from factories under the armpit
proletarians carry their clumsy wings like a violin
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Halfords Advanced Carnuba Review
- See, Pilsudski, the us from heaven! -
Pole once chanted. I looked at him
and the vomit.
For My Beloved poet
Friday, April 9, 2010
Denise Milani Before Enhancement
1.Otworzona and unread book to mid-smelling GW
2.Dzisiejsza print (as I like the smell)
3.Aukcje Allegro - stimulants the need for further education ...
4.Konieczność be - a permanent necessity, realizes that every time I do not want to do something. At the end of the trip as soon as there gaps in the memory ...
5.Trochę my head hurts and even throat or ...
Everything suddenly becomes more important, enjoyable. But nothing that you need to go after the mare, the word has been said.
only question is whether, after putting Kobylka we go further in the writing of this blog? If so, which way? The moment the objective of the creation of this blog will be achieved. We must just wait. Amendment of Article. 256 Criminal Code is no longer a matter of time, even a few scuffles. This change will result in wywalenia list of swastikas, etc. with online auctions, Mein Kampf, and will not appear on the shelves of bookstores. And yet it was lying at the basis of the creation of my blog. Of course, in the so-called
. Meanwhile, touched upon other issues, but they are very good blogs and portals. Is my blog brings something new?
political blog my blog would not be (unless you have ever written where I engage in politics), a popular-science and not (lack of depth, systematic knowledge of any interesting field). For public pouring bile definitely not suited. Hobby - you laugh.
I could of course go the path of least resistance and go with a few posts on the Polish - German relations. Steinbach visits Rumia - after all, begs to announce on the blog, that'll treat six kick eggs and prizes for anyone who hits it over the egg belt. Bah, I could even go further and found a weekly package for someone who will free us forever from the picture that prosiakowatej blondes. But it would be no incitement to crime. That is why I am such a prize'll treat!
Actually, every week you would skrobnąć something about Russia, Lithuania, EU, etc. On the subject of our so-called. politicians can write endlessly 3 times a day. But what for? I do not feel the need for entrainment in the crowds, the public articulation of thought rather not.
becoming increasingly fashionable puentowanie joke. Others advocate the worse, so here I have nothing to fear. And that, with a beard? I, too, with a beard ...
the entrance exam to the right is an interview. It seems pretty young girl. Examiner - a man slightly longer in years - asks:
- Who is the chairman of the NBP?
- I do not know - is responsible girl.
- Who is the minister of finance?
- I do not know - corresponds to the mixed girl.
- Who is the president of the Republic!? - Examiner asks surprised.
- I do not know - is responsible girl.
- Where are you baby you come?
- Psiewów from the village in the Bieszczady Mountains.
examiner removed his glasses, looked more closely at the girl, walked to the window and whispered to each other ...
- Able to throw it all in hell and fuck in the Bieszczady?
PS. Welcome to the „Zmyślenia” – tam ciekawiej :-)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Red Spotting 39 Weeks Pregnant

Pudding with semolina.
(on the plate 34x26cm)
1 liter of milk, 170 g
semolina *,
100 g dried cranberries (my be other additives such as rodzynku or nuts),
80 g butter,
2 tablespoons honey ,
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest,
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon
turmeric (optional for color)
4 eggs.
first Boil the milk, slowly pour the grits, add butter, vanilla sugar, honey, lemon zest and turmeric. Boil until the mixture thickens.
second For the mass przestudzonej 4 egg yolks and add cranberries.
third Beat 4 egg protein, slowly add the grits.
4th Bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
Bon Appetit.
* Semolina (cream of wheat) - Fine-grained semolina obtained from wheat.
product obtained from the milling of cleaned wheat grains. Occurs as small grains, white or creamy. It contains many minerals necessary for proper functioning of the body. It has a large nutritional value, therefore, an essential product for infant feeding. It's easy and quick in preparing, you can make it Pastes made suffering diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, kidney, and convalescents after surgery.
To prepare semolina, is enough semolina pour into the boiling milk or water and cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened. Sweeten to taste. Recommended mixing ratio:
liquid - 1 teaspoon of cereal per 100 ml of liquid
thick - 2 teaspoons of cereal per 100 ml
One of the most popular meal, mostly used in the diets of young children and people with hypersensitivity to the digestive system, because it is easy to digest. However, it is not allowed in gluten-free diets due to the fact that wheat, which is produced, contains gluten.
In the course of trade can be found semolina and semolina prepared (IM). Semolina be prepared in the production of initial heat treatment, which leads to the gelatinisation of starch grains, as a result of this porridge is rapidly cooked.
Kasza manna can be prepared as a separate dish (such as soup, milk, pudding, mincemeat) or as a thickening agent (binder) for cakes, soups, meat products. Sometimes it is used interchangeably with the bread crumbs for sprinkling the edges form the dough, or alternatively with noodles in soups.
Semolina Steamed has a glycemic index value of 58
calorific value is 100 g ( 353 kcal)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Christian Thank You Sayings

I decided to bake waffles today, when I started to look for them information on the Internet I was surprised by number of types of waffles, their shapes and ways of administration . Interesting is also the same story of their origin, which dates back to medieval times. I wanted to present as it was with those waffles ....
wafers or a buttery yeast dough baked in a special waver, the composition and shape of the waffle maker is different depending on the culinary traditions of the country. In the Middle Ages
fried flat cakes (usually from a mixture of barley and oats) between two flat petals of cast iron. In the 13th century, a craftsman had the idea of \u200b\u200bforging the plate for baking, or "irons" that reproduce the structure of a honeycomb. Word of the wafer is "a piece of the beehive." Other early projects waffle presentation of landscapes, emblems and religious symbols. The dough is placed in the panels on hinges, which can then be flattened and roasted in the furnace and through the handle can be reversed.
Waffles were sold by street vendors during religious ceremonies, the producers can sell their waffles before going to church. Over the years, there are more and more suppliers often causing many conflicts to the extent that the French king Charles IX (1560-1574) ordered that: Vendors have stayed at a distance of 6 meters from each other.
In the 16th century, waffles were available for all social groups. Made from flour, water, and very good quality were eaten by the poor during the scarcity of bread. For the wafers for the privileged class was added eggs, milk and honey.
In 1620 the Dutch "Wafers" come to America because of the pilgrims, who spent time in Holland before the voyage to America.
In 1869 Cornelius Swarthout Troy, New York, received a patent for the first waffle. Described as a "device to bake waffles" in warm metal waffle maker on the stove was coal pour batter into pan, close lid and after a few minutes, rotate pan and bake the other side. This is becoming very popular. Anniversary of the patent has been celebrated as National Waffle Day.
Waffles and waffle makers today.
In 1911 General Electric introduces the first waffle makers designed by Thomas J. Stackbecka, which has a built in thermostat which prevented scorched waffles. Today's waffle irons have essentially the same mechanisms, but are much lighter and have a variety of fancy designs (flowers, Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty) and plates that are removable for cleaning or to change patterns. In 1930, waffle irons become a standard kitchen equipment.
In 1964, "Belgian waffles" made their debut at the fair in New York. Maurice Vermersch sells wife's recipe for "Brussels waffles, yeast were fluffy waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Being aware of the fact that most Americans do not know where he is renamed Brussels Belgian waffles.
Waffles even lived to see their holidays. International Waffle Day (International Day Waffles) is celebrated on March 25. National Waffle Day (National Day celebrated Waffles) is 24 August and the National Waffle Week (National Waffles Week) is celebrated in the second week of September.
American waffles are usually served as a sweet food for breakfast, topped with butter and various syrups, but there are also many delicious dishes such as fried chicken and waffles or waffles and chips. They can also be served as dessert, topped with ice cream and other various toppings. They are generally thinner than the Belgian waffles. Thomas Jefferson brought a waffle makers from France, and waffle popular acceptance in the late eighteenth century.
Belgian or Brussels waffles are made with yeast dough. Generally, but not always are thin, light and very crispy. They are easy to distinguish from Liège Waffles, which are sides of the rectangle. In Belgium, waffles most served warm by street vendors, usually sprinkled with sugar, but in tourist areas can be served with whipped cream, fruit or chocolate
Liège waffle is a variety of Belgian waffles, named after the city of Liege, located in eastern Belgium. They are richer, denser and sweeter than traditional. This is the most common type of wafers available in Belgium and is prepared in plain, vanilla and cinnamon, which is served by street vendors throughout the country.
Scandinavian waffles are popular in Scandinavia, particularly in Sweden, are thin, made in a heart-shaped waffle maker. Most are sweet, served with whipped or sour cream and strawberry jam or raspberry, or simply with sugar on top. In Norway, brown cheese is also a popular addition. Like the pancake, there are those who prefer savory waffles with blue cheese, for example. In Finland, salt supplements are rare, adding to the waffle is the most jam, sugar, whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. The Swedish tradition of frying waffles back to at least 1400. March 25 is celebrated Våffeldagen or the day of wafers, the word is similar to Vårfrudagen that means Feast of the Annunciation, and is also celebrated on that day.
Stroopwafels a Dutch waffles are thin and have a filling. For the first time were made in Gouda the Netherlands in the 18th or 19th, at the beginning it was known only in this city. The dough for the waffles is made from flour, butter, brown sugar, yeast, milk and eggs. Each hostess, however, has its own recipe, which is passed down from generation to generation. Medium-sized balls are placed in waffle irons, it is flat and vary considerably for those in our stores. When the wafer is baked and when it is still warm, then cut it into two halves and translates the completion and consists of two halves. Filling is made with syrup, brown sugar, butter and cinnamon, they are popular in Belgium and the Netherlands.
My recipe for waffles in the Norwegian-style: (10-12 waffles)
100 g of butter or oil 4 eggs
5 tablespoons sugar (or more if you want more sweet)
5 dl milk,
½ teaspoon ground cardamom * (optional),
½ teaspoon turmeric * (for color, optional)
4 dl flour 1 teaspoon
baking powder.
* Kardanom is very common and readily added to the dishes in the Norwegian cuisine, especially the pancakes and waffles. More information about this spice in later posts.
* Turmeric is the "saffron" for the poor, is much cheaper than saffron, but no clear-cut taste, so it can be added to dishes both sweet and savory. Dishes with turmeric have a nice yellow color. Read more about turmeric try to write the next post.
first Separate the whites from the yolks.
second Mix all ingredients except proteins and allow the dough for about 30 minutes.
third After 30 minutes, whipped to stiff protein and slowly add the rest of the dough.
Whipped proteins are a guarantee of lightness and fluffy waffles. When you do not want us to beat this protein can combine all the ingredients at once, but it is important to set aside the dough for about 30 minutes to rest,.
I very often do waffles without sugar, the baking, for example, can be enjoyed with cheese or ham, and not necessarily sweet.
When the ample waffles us it's worth it to freeze, you can then remove a reheat in the oven, are just as tasty as fresh.
Bon Appetit.
Photos Stroopwafels
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hexadog Vaccine In Dogs

decided that on my blog in addition to the provisions of delicious I'd also written about the ingredients of which it is composed, among other things, fruit, herbs and supplements with the package. I make them for you to test and evaluate. In addition, I will he published, and culinary tips to help you life. I hope that my information I will be useful to someone.
And so at the beginning of one of my favorite spices, without which there can arise no my apple pie, or cinnamon. For a better understanding of this wonderful spice, you may want to go back to the history of her appearance at the European table. Searching the Internet to present what I could find on it.
Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices. It was mentioned already in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt not only as a beverage flavoring and medicine, but also for embalming. At this time, cinnamon has been used in China too, which is reflected in one of the first books on Chinese medicine, from about 2700 BC
Cinnamon has become one of the most popular spices in medieval Europe. He was one of the first goods in trade between the Middle East and Europe. Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil and the Caribbean, and cassia (cinnamon variety) is mainly produced in China, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Cinnamon is commonly used as a condiment. It is used in the preparation of chocolate, especially in Mexico. It is also used in the preparation of certain types of desserts such as apple pie, donuts and cinnamon buns, but also for tea, hot cocoa and liqueurs. In the Middle East, is often used in savory dishes of chicken and lamb .. Cinnamon can also be used in the digestive troubles. Cinnamon is one of the few spices that can be consumed directly. Cinnamon powder has long been an important spice in Persian cuisine, used in different thicknesses for soups, beverages, sweets and even popular curry.
Its taste is the result of the conclusion of the aromatic oil, which constitutes 0.5% to 1% of its composition. It also has application in medicine, was a remedy for colds. It was also found its application in the treatment of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. Cinnamon oil also has antibacterial properties and the ability to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi, including Candida. Antibacterial properties of cinnamon are so effective that recent research indicates that it can be used as an alternative to traditional food preservatives. Cinnamon can be used as an insect repellent.
One teaspoon of cinnamon contains the same amount of antioxidants as a cup full of juice, pomegranate and 1 / 2 cup blueberries. Cinnamon is an excellent source of trace minerals manganese and a very good source of fiber, iron and calcium.
may know next time when we look at the spice it will be more appreciated.
treatment cinnamon Photos: