Wednesday, May 11, 2011

China Tea Distributors

Bus 174 (directed by Jose Padilha and Felipe Lacerda, 2002) Interview with Mark

Rio de Janeiro, 12 June 2000. Ok. 20-year-old Sandro de Nascimento, "street children", armed with a gun, entered the bus 174 in order to rob the passengers. He was unlucky because, the police immediately. For several hours terrorized passengers. He threatened them with death if the authorities will not let him go quietly, providing a previously ... rifle and a grenade. The event is the live coverage of all Brazilian TV, and therefore the police could not use the accuracy of their snipers. Finally, agreement was reached. Nascimento went on the bus in the company of one hostage. Then came on the scene one of the cops trying to kill him. But rather than hit the "terrorist" hostage shot in the head. When I declined to do Nascimento to the ground, it struck the next two balls. The crowd of onlookers rushed him to lynching. He was taken by police officers to patrol, and there, in front of reporters and thus millions of viewers from television, strangled.

Document Lacerdy and Padilhi (the latter is known as the author of the acclaimed drama thriller Fri Elite in 2007) is not only a record of this tragic event, but also very interesting attempt to portray the person Nascimento. The image is composed not only of fragments of television relationships, but also from the statements of various persons more or less with the case - or the kidnapper - related. Voting, please contact: his adoptive mother, a girl (?), Knows him for years an employee welfare, street gangsters and friends, with whom he grew up on the pavement, and finally his hostages and the police, reporters and all knowing you are a psychologist. Each of pain subjectively, which gives us a profile on her objectively. Learning Nascimento as a junkie, violent gangster, but also sensitive introvert and a dreamer. Depending on the person presenting it, of course. The most interesting of all is his biography. His father knew, and his mother before his eyes was murdered when he was about 8 years. My aunt took care of him, but from unknown reasons ran away from her and lived on the street. Along with other homeless kids set up a gang. Rich with stolen money ćpał. He dreamed of being an artist. He sat in a correctional, and later in prison. And for that, and he managed to escape. Finally one day he asked an older woman to be his mother. Agreed and they came together.

his life, is a strong material for a story. He did Bruno Barreto, who a few years later, he directed his biography Fri Last stop 174. It is a pity that he did so naively and efekciarsko to many real events in the life Nascimento makes every invented by themselves - just as strong - motives. What made it look absolutely incredible. But it's his way. Padilha and Lacerda coped with the portray of a young gangster really well. But really, it Bus 174 is something more. It's the screaming about police brutality, and helplessness, but also such penal institutions. This is strictly for expounding the topics, which avoids the Brazilian government. We meet everyday street children, we learn the history of the "Candelaria massacre" - the slaughter, which the police probably made homeless when they previously dared to demonstrate against them. Murdered were friends Nascimento. He shouted about it to reporters when he threatened the death of his bus hostages. Perhaps what the film is really great understatements. The film shows a lot, the various information is filled to the brim, but does not say anything at all. It forces viewers to ask themselves several questions. I suggest that the search for answers yourself, but the questions are not also lacks the rhetorical. Dynamic document, but at some point, unfortunately, it gets monotonous. Nevertheless, tensions are not lacking, and directors are not simply not fitting to boast. They know what this drama. Laecrda nothing had happened later is not directed, because it focused on the assembly. Padilha made two already mentioned elite, as well as several other documents. There remains for me nothing else, how to read them.


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