Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gold Desert Eagle On Airsoft

Galeryja # 4: Polish School of Poster

has long vanished tradition of creating paint film posters by the artists , which was dictated by foreign producers. Although a large part of them can raise a smile of pity, be associated with images of kids with a artistic circles in the local MDKu, etc.., but not a few among them most real works of art. Many writers, like Francis Starowieyski, Wieslaw Wiktor Gorka Rosocha or are artists of flesh and blood, with its own unique style. I read somewhere once that the Polish plakaciƛci not always know what exactly is the movie that are illustrated. Perhaps that's why so many of their works are deprived of literalness. It occupied a place of his own visions on film, allusiveness, irony and wit. Of course, this a big generalization, but I hope that encouraging. Nobody restrain their imagination, which bore fruit many very interesting works. Less than a dozen examples of this. Much more can be found eg here .


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