Sunday, May 22, 2011

Where Can I Buy Belekin Beer In Toronto

Cinema # 3: Trace (dir. Wojciech Wiszniewski, 1969)

Wiszniewski is one of the most original and most talented directors and writers in the history of Polish cinema. Probably still would not be forgotten that the personality, if not death at the age of just 35 years old, just prior to his debut feature film. And if not for the fact that nearly all of his short film at the start was delayed by PRLowskÄ… censorship on the shelf, which never failed them to meet with a wider audience.
As an artist from the blood and bone befits, by some called a genius, and the other plain crazy. It is among the authors of the document kreacyjnego, in reality, however, difficult to unambiguously tray. As it is written just after his death in 1981 in Gazeta Wyborcza: "shuffle all possible species: the matter of the document survived his talent feature film director, creator of the grotesque, surrealist-oriented very realistic, lined with bile wit, and sometimes a clown, who plays the fool and the mocking so us reviewed. (...)"
Track is his second picture, a student study (!) Made when he was only 23 years old. Wiszniewski was known from the fact that the documents made so that it looked like feature films, but he'd get it done which is opposite to what trail is just a good example. Not so avant-garde, nor as good as the subsequent images (with the cult in some circles primer at the forefront), but it is a prime example of storytelling and the images themselves sounds. "Myth of the working man spread over the shoulders.

PS: On YouTube you can watch almost all of his videos.


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